The spring equinox is upon us, and in this present age, the tilt of the planet is of little concern. But in this period of the equinox, an interesting thing happens. for the briefest moment of time the planet becomes suspended in place, A point when the earth is neither closer to or further away from the sun.
The equinox’s, vernal (spring) and autumnal(fall) are the middle points to the summer and winter solstice. This is an echo to the balance of all points, and from each of those compass points, there is a center, a middle aspect of the compass from which the needle point pivots.
The middle space is similar to the point in which a pendulum on its back and forth motion for the briefest of instances touches an absolute 0 point, the moment between the furthest of its arc’s reach. At that middle point, some say, is where miracles happen, where for the briefest of moments the motion of balance is in perfect harmony before the plumb line swings away in its motion. it also suggests that at these instances of the pendulum 0 point are the high (or low) points of our lives, the punctuated moments of transition between two periods.
From a Masonic perspective, we can equate this time of year, this equinox to the measuring of our point within a circle, the plumb line achieving that 0 center point in its swing up to its furthest reaches. Tradition tells us that the plumb measures our vertical, but when given motion, even something so slight

as the earths rotation, it can also demonstrate the path of our circumference, our diameter, and our rotational motion around our axis (see Foucault’s Pendulum). As the plumb traces its circumference, in the space of the sphere, the plumb also orients back through the center of the circumference, when marking the furthest points of our radius.
In a more metaphysical aspect, the idea of the equinox could be viewed as a more than the transition point, but the idea of the position movement, the transition from one place to another, from one idea to another. And in an even more profound way, this can be seen as at once not being initiated, to being initiated encompassing the start of transition from one inner idea to another, the growing path of our thought and its sway of our own internal gravity. In this point of view, we can easily see the similarities to the ideas of alchemy and the changing of states.
One caution, however, is that there is no definition of what the states are, or if they are up into a higher realm or down into a lower attitude. Remember, Jacob’s ladder was both a a way to ascend to heaven and a way to descend to earth (and possibly sub-terra). In reflecting on this, it is good to keep in mind that your mental state defines your position, and with some exertion, you can manifest the power of your position.

In more traditional celebration, the Equinox is as much a means to reflect on our relative state as it is a means to celebrate our resurrection and means to create life (fertility). Following close behind the first day of spring is the celebration of Palm Sunday, Passover, and Easter, and in the months to come the celebrations of Beltaine, Walpurgis and Floralia, each of which from Pagan (Roman era) celebrations of the blossoming spring renewal and the return of the sun.
What ever your celebration, welcome to the spring, and the renewal of life. Welcome the vernal equinox and our changing of states.
My Comment:
On Christianity, the cult of The Supreme Being.
History repeats itsself, in that every time that a God fearing country or civilization that waters down their belief Faith and Hope in one Supreme and Devine God and Creator; that nation or civilation is doomed to failure.
If we indeed believe the historical documents of the Old Testiment of our Holy Bible, we see that in every case when the existance of one True and Living God is challenged, He comes through to proove Himself Soverign and above all other gods.
When the gods of other cults are put to the test, they fail miserably to deliver on promises and are unable to deliver even on the simplest of challenges.
Our God reminds us that He is God and that He changes not. Our God does not have to conform to the whims of mortal man and other inveous gods, nor to souls unwilling to give up hope that there is another way to fullfill their emptyness. They have their reward in filling up their lives with confusion, hate, lust, and devisiveness. Their purpose is doom to all because they cannot see. The Light has been obscured by their own lustful deeds and devices.Their religeon has been tainted by the hopes and dreams of entering into paradise by some other way, some other way than just simply believing that there is a God that does not require the taking of the life of another human being or the sacrificing of dumb animals to enter into His Rest.
I symphithize with lost souls who have not found True Peace and have no hope.
I pray that the day will come; and hopefully before we all selfdestruct what God has so richly blessed us with, taht all men of mental and moral soundness will come together in unity as God has ordained.
One day that we all can see God , The One True and Living God and Creator, and see Him for who He Is.A compassionate God who gave and gives of Himself without expecting much. For that’s exactly what we have to offer, NOT MUCH.
Why does there always seem to be such a high correlation between internet ranters and poor spelling, grammar, and usage skills?
I don’t suppose that correcting a couple of typos’or a misplaced conjunction or two would change your mind about my ranting. I really feel the love my brother. Look for the light.
Remember: There are none so blind than he who will not see.
look for the light.
So, you’re saying that the Old Testament, the book dedicated to the Judeao/Christian religion, shows Yahweh to be all-powerful and comes to the aid of his people.
In other words, in the religious book of your religion, your god is the main character. Well, naturally — who else would it be? Why have a religious book in which a different god shows up as better?
Kind of like how the first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club.