Join on this Sunday, November 16th on Masonic Central as we talk to Brother Timothy Hogan about his book “The Alchemical Keys To Masonic Ritual“. Its sure to be an enlightening conversation on Alchemy, Ritual, and the “secrets” of Freemasonry as we explore the connections between alchemy, gnosticism and Freemasonry and delve some of the more esoteric aspects of philosophical Freemasonry.
That’s this Sunday, at 6PM PST/9PM EST on the Masonic Central Pod Cast!
Listen live to our program by going to or be a part of our live in “virtual” studio audience by logging in at talkshoe at 6PM PST / 9PM EST! Or download the show from our website
I must say I truly enjoyed this podcast. Normally I listen to music for thirty minutes on the treadmill, but since I found Masonic Central, my time has increased to just over an hour. I have a feeling my cardiologist will be writing percriptions containing your podcasts, they would help every Mason get heart smart.