DeMolay is an organization dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives.
Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today.
DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.
DeMolay alumni include former President Bill Clinton, Walt Disney, John Wayne, Walter Cronkite, football Hall-of-Famer Fran Tarkenton, legendary Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne, news anchor David Goodnow and many others. Each has spoken eloquently of the life-changing benefit gained from their involvement in DeMolay.
Requirements for membership:
DeMolay is open to young men between the ages of 12 and 21 with many chapters located throughout the United States.
An application for membership may be received from a young man who has passed his twelfth birthday, but who has not reached his twenty-first birthday. The applicant must be of good character and morals.
Hello: My name is Michelle J. Faler, both my brother and father were part of the Freemasons. I have 2 boys who are Anthony is 16 and Zack is 18, both would like information on how to become a member of the Masons and any other organization that they would be allowed to join. Their Grandfather’s name was Joseph Robert Faler Sr. and their Uncle’s name is Joseph Robert Faler Jr. Their Grandfather and Uncle are members in Indiana. Their Grandfather passed away in January of 2003. I do not know if you needed that information, but I thought providing it may be something that should be known. They also had other members of the family belong to the Freemasons as well.
Thank You for any information you can provide to me,
Michelle. J. Faler
I just ran across your comment looking for other information. I’m not sure if anyone has given you any information or not. Niether DeMolay or Freemasonry require a familial relationship to join. That being said, from an age perspective, both of your young men are eligible for DeMolay. Depending on your jurisdiction (state), the older may be of the right age to join Freemasonry (18 some places, 21 in others). For DeMolay you can go to and find local contact information. For Lodge, joining is a decision the man needs to make on his own, and merely needs to ask. A family member that is a Lodge member will likely be happy to steer them in the right direction. Alternatively, an internet search will likely turn up a Lodge in your area to contact.
I don’t see a way to send you a private message, and I don’t really want to leave my email here. But, if you visit and send them an email looking for me, it will get through. I’d be happy to steer you and your young men in the right direction.
Greeting From Northeast Iowa. I am a Pastor in Postville, Iowa and the closest DeMolay Chapter is in Cedar Falls. I am a mason and am curious what the process is to start a Chapter in this area. We are already starting a Jobs Daughters Betel and would love to have a program also for the young men. We have the blessing of Brotherly Love Lodge #204 for the use of the facility. I have no Idea how to proceed to imitate this venture. I was never a DeMolay as a youth, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. A reply would be outstanding.
Masonicly, Pastor Raul T. Martinez