In this episode of Masonic Central we spend some time with one of the strongest champions of modern Masonry and one of its most the most decorated with international distinctions, the right Worshipful Tom Jackson. As Masonic resumes go, Br. Jackson’s takes 4 pages to list his achievements, and I assure you it is not a list of lofty titles and dues cards receipts. Br. Tom has been recognized and is an honorary member of more than a dozen international Grand Lodges around the world.
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At the time of the recording Tom was the Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges and formerly the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and those titles pale in comparison with is insight into Freemasonry today. In the show we focus on world of Freemasonry in general and North American Freemasonry in particular.
- Some of the topics we discuss are:
- The differences in Masonry around the world.
- The role of the conference of Masonic Grand Lodges.
- The idea of a Masonic Renaissance man.
- Freemasonry at home and abroad in the next 10, 25, and 50 years.
- How can you, the listener, change the ills that plague Freemasonry today.
Having taken the opportunity to speak to Brother Tom and hearing his thoughts about these topics, I’m sure you’ll agree that he is without a doubt a man worth listening to.
the show was originally recorded October 26th, at 6PM PST on the Masonic Central Pod Cast to get a close up look on the world view of Freemasonry.