Join us in our discussion with Brother Bob Davis 33°, GC, and Secretary of the Guthrie Oklahoma Scottish Rite. Br. Robert is the author of Understanding Manhood in America and the writer behind the blog Papers of Robert G. Davis. Who can argue that experience and leadership are two of the most fundamental elements of a successful lodge, but how do you develop those elements? Leading change is one way, but not in a destructive manner, which is at the heart of this interview.
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In our discussion we focus on Oklahoma Masonry, the Guthrie College of the Consistory study program, the role of the “mature masculine” in Freemasonry, and his thoughts on the future of Craft.
In this program we talk about the Guthrie Scottish Rite and its College of the Consistory program and touch on a wide range of topics, including:
- Br. Davis’s history in Freemasonry and the factors in his life that led him to it.
- The relationship between the quest of manhood and the role Freemasonry plays in it.
- Leadership and successful lodges at the local level.
- How to bring change to lodge (when change is desired) and
- How activity breeds activity in any organization
Without a doubt you will find a point of deep connection to Br. Davis and with what he has to say. He is probably as traditional as traditional Masonry gets but with an open stance of improving the fraternity and seeing it grow in the future. At his core is the identity of the masculine male, manhood, and the recovery of that role in America today.
This show was originally recorded November 2, 2008, at 6PM PST on the Masonic Central Podcast.