Download What is Freemasonry?
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“What is Freemasonry?” is a NEW and FREE e-book.
An essential guide in understanding the Modern Fraternity.
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The goal of this e-book is to make available some of the lesser discussed details of the contemporary fraternity.
Read Freemasonry FAQs.
Many books have been written about Freemasonry’s “occult” symbolism, the assertion of its quasi religious practice, the connections between Freemasonry and the founding fathers, and the bizarre layout of Washington D.C. Each of these texts offer a glimpse into the present tense fraternity, as they ask the same questions that many masons themselves ask. But those books fall short of answering questions put forth by those without any prior knowledge of the craft. That is why this book is a must read for anyone asking the question “What is Freemasonry?”

As the fraternity enters into the 21st century digital age, there needed to be an answer to that question. There needed to be an easier way to communicate the particulars of what Freemasonry is today, right now, which is at the heart of this free e-book.
What have others have said about this ebook?
I encourage you to download the e-book, read it, and share it with others. As you go through it, I hope that it will help you to explore the questions put forth in it that describe what the modern fraternity is today and how it exists in the present.
Greg Stewart – Masonic Traveler
email me at: masonictraveler@gmail.com
Freemason Information Digital Masonic Magazine
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