Is it the Illuminati? What about Skull and Bones? I’ve heard about those Bilderbergs, and what’s up with the owl on the dollar bill? Its that Bohemian Grove isn’t it? Its those Freemasons isn’t it?
This Sunday, we are going to get to the bottom of all those conspiracy theories, as only the Freemason’s know how, buy diving in feet first and taking them on one buy one.
Join us this Sunday, May 17th, for “THE TRUTH” on conspiracy theories with past guest and “mysterious shadow master” Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasons For Dummies, and Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies
, and the “Masonic tin foil cap wearing Grand Hierophant of Denver Airport” Tom Acousti.
With the Illuminati back in the news with the release of Angels and Demons, we wanted to get to the bottom of all of these pervasive conspiracy theories that seem to keep popping up, and what better way to do it than on a Masonic Interweb show!
Were not just going to take Geronimo’s skull out of the closet, we really want to get to the bottom of why these ideas exist, who their greatest proponents are, and if in the information age they can stand the test of common sense.
The Freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove…
Well, we all know that the Freemasons are behind it, right?
Are there really any conspiracies out there that are seriously bent on control of the world?
Missed the live show? Listen here: