Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
Brethren of West Virginia, Arkansas, even my own state of Texas and others – take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
Bridging the Gap

I have been a Brother of Redeemer Lodge #53 for nine years. Since my initiation, I have had the pleasure of visiting with Brothers from the “mainstream” lodges under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Michigan. During this time, I have made many, many great friends. One of these wonderful friends is a Brother by the name of Richard Mackie. Bro. Mackie is the liaison from the Grand Lodge of Michigan to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan. Bro. Mackie and I have remained in close contact throughout the years and he has attended many Redeemer functions and is an honorary member of Redeemer Lodge #53. When I was elected Junior Warden, Bro. Mackie informed me that he wanted to do something special when I become Worshipful Master. I didn’t think much of it then because it seemed as if that would take an eternity. I was elected Worshipful Master in December of 2010 and Bro. Mackie kept his promise.
In September of 2011, Bro. Mackie called me and asked me if I was prepared to do something special. He proceeded to inform me that he had spoken with his Grand Master, Most Worshipful Bro. Fred Kaiser, who wanted to visit Redeemer. Of course I agreed, not knowing what I was really getting myself into. After a series of emails and phone conversations between Bro. Mackey and I, we decided that the Grand Master would attend our Master Mason degree on November 26, 2011. Bro. Mackie promised to get a guest list together and send it to me prior to the degree so that we could properly prepare. I really didn’t know what kind of number to expect so I waited patiently. I received an email from Bro. Mackie a few days prior to the degree stating that he had 29 guests confirmed. I was elated with this and moved forward with planning the repast to follow the degree.

On the evening of November 26, 2011, Redeemer Lodge made history. This day marks the first such occasion when a sitting Grand Master from the Grand Lodge of Michigan has ever sat in a tyled lodge under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan. It turns out that included in those 29 guests were the Grand Wardens along with several appointed Grand Lodge officers. While 29 guests RSVP’d, we ended up with about 60 Brothers from the Grand Lodge of Michigan and an additional 15 Brothers visiting from other PHA lodges in the jurisdiction visiting to witness the raising of Bro. David Robinson and Bro. Tom Robinson to the Sublime Degree. This was truly a momentous occasion and I could never have imagined such an outcome. I am proud to have been the Worshipful Master for such an amazing event. Redeemer was nearly flawless with the ritual work, as always but we were absolutely flawless in the spreading of Brotherly love and affection in fellowshipping with ALL of our Brethren. The Brothers that were raised had an awesome experience that they will never forget. Their journey began with them knowing that we are ALL Brothers, regardless of our skin color, political beliefs, religious beliefs or any other matter. We meet on the Level, act by the Plumb and part on the Square.

Bro. Harry Weaver, III
Worshipful Master
Redeemer Lodge #53, F&AM, PHA
Detroit, MI