A short list of famous Freemasons from history.
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Abbott, Sir John, J. C.
Canadian Prime Minister 1891-1892.
St. Paul’s, No. 374, E.R., Montreal, 1847.
Augustus, Edward Duke of Kent
Father of Queen Victoria and last Grand Master of the Ancient Grand Lodge of England in 1813.

Aldrin, Col. Edwin Buzz
American astronaut and member of the first moon landing.
33 deg. Montclair Lodge No. 144 New Jersey.
Allende, Salvado
Former President of Chile.
Lodge Progresso No. 4, Valpariso, in 1935.
Anderson, Robert
Brevetted Major General USA, commanded Charleston Harbour at the start of secession.
Appleton, Sir Edward Victor
English physicist. Nobel prize for physics 1947.
Isaac Newton Lodge, No. 859, Cambridge.
Armistead, Lewis A
Brigadeer General CSA. Served with Pickett at Gettysburg where he was mortally wounded.
Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22 Virginia.
Armstrong, Louis*
American Jazz legend.
Lodge of Montgomery No. 18, PHA, New York
*there is some contention to this claim, as no complete proof has been discovered.
Arne, Thomas Augustine
English composer, includes Rule Britannia.
Arnold, Benedict
Major General and early American Revolution war hero. Eventually changed allegiance and sided with the British, being branded a traitor ever after.
Affiliated member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven CT.
Ashmole, Elias
Founder member of the Royal Society and became the first known English speculative
Mason at Warrington, Lancashire, in 1646.
Ataturk, Mustapha Kemal
Former President of Turkey 1923-1938.
Member of an Italian Lodge, Macedonia Resorta e Veritus.
Austin, Stephen
“The father of Texas”.
Louisiana Lodge No. 109, St. Genevieve, Missouri.
Autry, Gene
Screen western star.
Catoosa Lodge No. 185, Catoosa, Oklahoma.
Badgley, William
Canadian Lawyer, first Dean of the Faculty of Law at McGill University, Montreal.
St. Paul’s Lodge, No. 374 UGLE, Montreal.
Past Provincial Grand Master.
Bailey, Joseph E
Brilliant Civil Engineer who served in the Civil War. Rose to Maj. General and after retirement was shot and killed serving as a sheriff in Missouri. One of fourteen Union officers who received the thanks of Congress.
Columbia Lodge No. 124 Wisconsin.
Ballard, Harold
Feistyowner of Toronto Maple Leafs National Hockey League team. Corinthian
No. 481, GRC, Toronto, Ontario
Banks, Sir Joseph
Founder of the famous Kew Gardens, Londo.
Somerset House Lodge UGLE
Banks, Nathaniel P.
” The fighting politician” Governor of Massachusetts, Civil War Maj.
General, Senator and US Marshal. One of fourteen Union officers who received
the Thanks of Congress.
Monitor Lodge MA.
Barham, Eugene A.
American Admiral and war hero. 33deg. AASR.
Barnardo, Dr. T. J.
Founder of the Barnardo home for orphaned boys.
Basie, William “Count”
American jazz pianist.
Wisdom Lodge No. 102 PHA, Chicago and Shriner, New York.
Beard, Daniel Carter
Founded the Boy Scout movement in United States of America.
Mariners Lodge
No. 67, New York City
Benes, Eduard
President of Czechoslovakia 1935-1938.
Lodge Ian Amos Komensky No. 1, Prague
and Lodge Pravda Vitezi.
Bennett, Viscount R. B.
Canadian Prime Minister 1930-1935.
Berlin, Irving
American songwriter and composer.
Shriner and Scottish Rite.
Munn Lodge No. 190 New York City.
Bolivar, Simon
South American liberator.
Initiated in Cadiz, Spain. Became involved with Knights Templar and Scottish Rites and founded Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2 in Peru.
Bonaparte. Jerome, Joseph, Louis & Lucien
All 4 brothers of Napoleon were Masons but not the great Emperor himself.
Bongo, Omar
President of Gabon.
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Gabon in 1983.
Borden, Sir Robert L.
12th. Canadian Prime Minister 1911-1920.
St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 1, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Borglum, Gutzon
Sculptor and painter. Most famous for his colossal Mt. Rushmore national memorial
in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Howard Lodge No. 35, New York City, serving as W. Master 1910-1911.
Borglum, Lincoln
Son of Gutzon (previous), finished the above memorial.
Battle River Lodge No. 92 South Dakota.

Borgnine, Ernest
American Actor,
Abingdon Lodge No. 48, Abingdon, Virginia.
Boswell, John
Laird (Lord) of Auchinleck.
The earliest recorded non-operative Mason recorded anywhere – 1600 AD, Edinburgh.
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie
Canadian Prime Minister 1894-1896.
St. Lawrence Lodge No. 640 E.R. Montreal, PQ. Affiliated with Belleville Lodge
No. 123, Bellville, Ontario.
Bowie, James
Famous American frontiersman, died at the Alamo.
Humble Cottage Lodge No. 19, Opelousas, Louisiana.
Bradley, Omar Nelson
American General, chairman – joint chiefs of staff. West Point.
Lodge No. 877, Highland Falls, New York State.
Brant, Chief Joseph
Mohawk Chief Thayendanega, of the Six Nations Indians.
Hiram’s Cliftonian Lodge No. 417 E.R. (M) London, UK.
Burke, Edmund
Irish/English statesman. Great friend to the US colonies.
Jerusalem Lodge No. 44, Clerkenwell, London, UK.
Buchanan, James
15th President of the USA. W.Master of Lancaster
Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Past District Deputy Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Burbank, Luther
American naturalist and horticulturist.
Santa Rosa Lodge No. 57, California.
Burke, Edmund
Anglo-Irish statesman.
Jerusalem Lodge No. 44.
Burns, Robert
Scottish poet.
St. David’s Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton.
Butlin William
W. Bro. Sir “Billy” Founded the chain of Butlins Holiday camps. Heavily involved in charities.
Byrd, Richard E.
American Admiral, aviator and explorer.
Federal Lodge No. 1 Washington DC and established Antarctica Lodge No. 777
under the GL of New Zealand.
Byron, Lord William
British poet.
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) 1747-1751.
Campbell, Sir Malcolm
World land speed record holder. Member of many Masonic bodies.
Cantor, Eddie
American entertainer.
Munn Lodge No. 190, New York City.
Carson, Christopher “Kit”
American frontiersman.
Montezuma Lodge No. 109, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Casanova, Giovanni
Italian adventurer and philanderer.
Made a Mason in Lyon, France.
Chagall, Marc
Russian artist.Vitebsk, Belorussia.
Chrysler, Walter P.
American automobile manufacturer.
32 degree AASR, Salina, Kansas. Member of
Isis Shrine Temple at Salina, Kansas. Reportedly a visitor to Cedar Lodge,
Oshawa, ON, No. 270, GRC while employed by Buick Corporation.
Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer
English statesman and Prime Minister.
Studholme Lodge No. 1591 and Rosemary’s Lodge No. 2851.
Citroen, Andre
French automotive engineer.
Lodge La Philosophie Positive, Paris.
Clark, Lt. William
Led expedition into the North West Territories.
St. Louis Lodge No. 111, St.
Louis, Missouri.
Clark, Roy
Country western singer.
Jenks Lodge No. 497, Oklahoma.
Cleaveland, Moses
American pioneer, soldier and lawyer.
Initiated in a military lodge and the became W. Master of Moriah Lodge, Connecticut.
Clinton, de Witt
Prominent American statesman. NYC Mayor.
Grand Master GL of NY, Grand Master
of Knights Templar.
Cobb, Tyrus R
American baseball great and member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Royston Lodge No. 426, Detroit, MI.
Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill)
American frontiersman and Indian scout.
Platte Valley Lodge No. 15 Nebraska.
Cohan, George M.
American entertainer.
Pacific Lodge No. 223, New York City. Shriner.
Cole, Nathanial, (Nat King)
American singer and pianist.
Thomas Waller Lodge No. 49 PHA. Los Angeles.
Colt, Samuel
American manufacturer. Most famous for hand guns.
Conacher, Charlie
Toronto Maple Leaf ice hockey legend.
North Gate Lodge No. 591, Pickering, Ontario, Canada.
Cooper, Leroy Gordon
American astronaut.
Carbondale Lodge No. 82, Colorado.
Correll, Charles
Amos of Amos & Andy.
Trio Lodge No. 57, Chicago.
Coxe, Daniel
English lawyer. First Prov. Grand Master in North America, appointed by the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England.
Crockett, David
American frontiersman. Gained immortality
at the Alamo.
Darwin, Erasmus
Physician and botonist.
Initiated at St. David’s Lodge No. 36, Edinburgh in 1754.
De Grey, George Frederick Samuel Robinson Earl
Governor General of India 1880-1884. Grand Master UGLE 1870-1874. Most famous today for Earl Grey Tea.
De Mille, Cecil B.
American film producer – director.
Prince Orange Lodge No. 16, New York City.
Dempsey, W.H. “Jack”
American world heavyweight boxing champion
1919. Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago Illinois.
Dermott, Laurence
Irish born Grand Secretary of the Ancient Grand Lodge of England 1752-1771.
Wrote Ahiman Rezon.
Diaz, Porfino
President of Mexico. Shriner.
Diefenbaker, John George
Canadian Prime Minister 1957-1963. 57 year member of the craft. 33 deg. Sottish Rite. Knights Templar and a Shriner (First Potentate of Tunis Temple, Ottawa).
Initiated, passed and raised, Wakaw Lodge No. 166 GRS (Saskatchewan). Affiliated Kinistino No. 1, GRS. Honorary Grand Master of DeMolays.
Dole, Robert J.
Senator. Russell Lodge No. 177, Russell, Kansas.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
English writer, works include Sherlock Holmes.
Phoenix Lodge No. 257, Portsmouth, England.
Drake, Edwin L.
American oil pioneer.
Oil Creek Lodge No. 3, Titusville, Pennsylvania.
Prince Henry Frederick
Duke of Cumberland, younger brother of George III. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) Granted Prince Hall his charter in 1884 which only arrived in 1887.
Dunant, Jean Henri
Swiss founder of the Red Cross, co-winner of the first Nobel Peace Prize.
Dunckerly, Thomas
Illegitimate born son of George II, consolidated the Royal Arch and was the first Grand Master of the Masonic Knights Templar. Acted as Grand Master for the warranted lodges in Quebec.
Dunn, Alexander Robert
Canadian soldier who won Canada’s first Victoria Cross at the Charge of the
Light Brigade at Balaclava. Ionic Lodge No. 18 (now No. 25), Toronto, Ontario.
Edward VII. King of Great Britain
Grand Master of the UGLE 1875-1901. Also Provincial Grand Master for Lower Canada.
Edward VIII
King of Great Britain. Household Brigade Lodge No. 2614. Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1936.
Elway, John
Denver Bronco retired quarterback (#7) and NFL Hall of Fame inductee.
South Denver Lodge #93.
Ellington, Edward Kennedy “Duke”
American jazz musician.
Social Lodge No. 1 PHA, Washington DC.
Faber, Eberhard
American manufacturer. CEO of the Eberhard Faber Pencil Co.
Chancellor Walworth Lodge No. 271, NY City.
Fairbanks, Douglas, Snr.
American actor.
Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528, California.
Fields, “W.C.”, William Claude
American comedian and entertainer.
E. Coppee Mitchell Lodge No. 605, Philadelphia PA.
Fitch, John
True inventor of the steamboat.
Bristol Lodge No. 25, Bristol PA.
Fleming, Sir Alexander
Scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of Penicillin. Held Grand Office in the UGLE.
Fleming, Sir Sanford
Canadian engineer and surveyor. Suggested the use of time zones.
St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 16, Toronto, Ontario.
Fleming, Dr. Walter Millard
American physician, co-founder member of the Shrine. Rochester Lodge No. 660, Rochester NY. Potentate of Mecca Temple NY and Imperial Potentate from 1876 to 1886.
Florence, William Jermyn
American actor, co-founder member of the Shrine.
Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 155, Philadelphia PA.
Fletcher, Sir Banister Flight
English architect and writer on the subject.
Authors Lodge No. 3456, London England.

Ford, Gerald R.
38th President of the USA.
Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Ford, Henry
American automobile manufacturer.
Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit MI.
Forrest, Nathan
Enlisted private who financed his own cavalry regiment and rose to Lt. General CSA. Angerona Lodge No. 168 TN.

Franklin, Benjamin
American statesman and inventor.
St. John’s Lodge Philadelphia PA.
Gable, Clark
American actor. Most famous for Gone with the wind.
Beverly Hills Lodge No. 528, California.
Garfield, James Abram
20th President of the USA. Knights Templar and Scottish Rite.
Columbus Lodge No. 246, Garrettsville, Ohio.
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Italian revolutionary and liberator.
Tompkinsville Lodge No. 471, Staten Island NY. 33 deg. Grand Master of the
Grand Orient of Palerma.
Gatling, Richard J.
American inventor of the repeating gun.
Center Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis.
George IV
King of Great Britain. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) 1790-1813 while still Prince of Wales.
George VI
King of Great Britain. Grand Master of Scotland and honorary Past Grand Master of the UGLE. Initiated in Naval Lodge No. 2612. Royal Arch First Principal, 33 degree AASR, Past Grand Master Mark Master Lodge.
Gilbert, Sir William S.
English poet and play write, partner of Sir Arthur Sullivan.
St. Machar Lodge No. 54, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Gillette, King C.
American manufacturer and inventor of the safety razor.

Glenn, John.
American astronaut and Senator, 33 deg.
Concord Lodge No. 688, Concord, Ohio.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
German poet. 50 year member of Amalia Lodge, Weimar.
Goldwater, Barry M.
US Senator.
Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, May 12, 1931.
Gompers, Samuel
Founder and first president of the American Federation of Labor.
Dawson Lodge No. 16, Washington DC.
Gosden, Freeman
Andy of Amos & Andy.
Petersburg Lodge No. 15, VA
Grissom, Virgil “Gus”
American astronaut, killed in Apollo 1 fire.
Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Indiana.
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace
French humanitarian doctor, sought the decapitating machine linked to his name as a more humane method of execution. Founder member of the Grand Orient of France.
Haig, Earl Douglas
British Field Marshal during World War I.
Elgin Lodge No. 91, Leven, Scotland.
Hall, Prince
First known black American Freemason. Initiated in an Irish military Lodge in 1775, he later founded African Lodge No. 459 EC, which still survives.
Hancock, John
American merchant and patriot, signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Massachusetts Lodge No. 277, Quebec, Canada. Later affiliated with St. Andrews Lodge, Boston, MA.

Harding, Warren G.
29th President of the USA.
Knight Templar, 33 deg. Scottish Rite, first President to become a Shriner. Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio.
Hardy, Oliver
American comedian and actor, partner of Stan Laurel.
Solomon Lodge No. 20, Jacksonville, Florida.
Haydn, Franz Josef
Austrian composer. Lodge Zur Wahren Eintracht, Vienna.
Henson, Josiah
American black slave who escaped from slavery in Kentucky into Canada. Inspiration for the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”.
Mount Moriah Lodge No. 4 GRC, Dresden, Ontario.
Hilton, Charles C.
American hotelier. Founded Hotel Hilton which led to the famous chain of luxury hotels.
William B. Warren Lodge No. 309, Chicago, Illinois.
Hoban, Jame.
American architect, designed the original White House and its replacement.
Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington DC.
Horton, Tim
Canadian ice hockey legend. Founder of the donut chain bearing his name.
Kroy Lodge No. 676, Toronto, Ontario.
Hoover, J. Edgar
American lawman and head of the FBI. Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington DC.
Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
English biochemist. Nobel prize winner for medicine 1929. Discovered essential amino acids and researched vitamins.
Aesculapius Lodge No. 2410.
Horlick, Alexander J.
American industrialist. Founded Horlick’s Malted Milk Co.
Belle City Lodge No. 92, Racine, Wisconsin.
Hornsby, Rogers
Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Beacon Lodge No. 3, St. Louis, Missouri. RAM & KT.
Houdini, Harry
American magician and escape artist.
St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City.
Houston, Sam
American pioneer and first president of Texas.
Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville, Tennessee.
Hussein, King of Jordan
Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Jordan
Ingalls, Donald
Writer Producer for television and film.
Past Grand Master of California.
North Hollywood Lodge No. 542
Irwin, James Benson
American astronaut. Member of the 4th moon landing.
Lodge Tejon No. 104, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Isma’il, Pasha
Viceroy of Egypt. Presented an obelisk to USA to be erected in New York City.
Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Egypt.
Ives, Burl Icle
American entertainer. Magnolia Lodge (now Magnolia-La Cumbre Lodge) No. 242
in Santa Barbara, California. Knight Templar, St. Omer Commandery No.30, Santa
Barbara, Apr. 15, 1978; Shrine, inducted at Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, Los
Angeles, 33 deg. AASR, Grand Cross.
Jackson, Andrew
7th President of the USA. Harmony Lodge No 1, Nashville, Tennessee. Royal Arch
Mason, 6th Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.
Jackson, Rev. Jesse
Harmony Lodge No. 88, PHA, Chicago, Illinois
Jarvis, William
Provincial Secretary for Upper Canada. First Provincial Grand Master (Ancients) for Upper Canada.
Jenner, Edward
English doctor who discovered the principle of vaccination.
Faith and Friendship Lodge No. 270, Berkeley UK.
Johnson, Andrew
17th President of the USA. Greeneville Lodge No. 19, Greeneville, Tennessee.
Knight Templar and first President to become 32 deg. Scottish Rite.
Johnson, John A. “Jack”
American world heavyweight champion boxer 1908-1915.
Lodge Forfar and Kincardine No. 225, Dundee, Scotland.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
36th President of the USA.
Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Johnson city, Texas.
Jolson, Al
American singer and actor who portrayed black minstrels.
St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City.
Jones, John Paul
Scottish born “Father of the American Navy”.
St. Bernard Lodge No. 122, Kirkudbright, Scotland.
Jones, Melvin
American businessman. Co-founder of Lions International.
Garden City Lodge No. 141, Chicago, Illinois.
King of Hawaii.
Islam Shrine Temple.
Kellar (Keller), Harry
Founder of the Royal Dynasty of American Magicians. American magician who presented large stage shows during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Kemp, Jack
Former U.S. Senator/Secretary of HUD, New York. Quarterback for Buffalo Bills.
Fraternal Lodge No. 625 in Hamburg, NY.
Kent, His Royal Highness Prince Edward the Duke of.
Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.
King, Charles
American biochemist, isolated vitamin C. Whitman Lodge No. 49, Pulman, Washington.

Kipling, Rudyard
English Nobel Prize winning writer, born in India, most famous for The Jungle Book.
Hope and Esperance Lodge No. 782, Lahore, India.
Kitchener, Lord Horatio Herbert
British General and statesman. British Union Lodge No. 114, Ipswich, England. District Grand Master of Egypt, Sudan and the Punjab. Junior Grand Warden of the UGLE in 1916.
Lafayette, Marquis de
Already a Freemason in France, he was given honorary membership by many lodges and Grand Lodges across the USA.
Laguardia, Fiorello H.
American politician. Three time Mayor of NY City and namesake of the International Airport.
Garibaldi Lodge No. 542, New York City.
Layton, Athol
Canadian professional wrestler.
Birch Cliff Lodge No. 612, Scarborough (Toronto),
Ontario. Potentate Rameses Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. 1968.
Lindbergh, Charles
American aviator who made the first non-stop flight from America to Europe. His plane was the Spirit of St. Louis and bore the Masonic insignia.
Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Missouri.
Lipton, Sir Thomas Johnstone
Scottish merchant famous for the tea he transported from Ceylon.
Scotia Lodge No. 178, Glasgow.
Listz, Franz Von
Hungarian composer.
Lodge Zur Einigkeit, Frankfurt, Germany.
Lloyd, Harold C.
American actor.
Alexander Hamilton Lodge No. 535, Hollywood, California.
A.A.O.N.M.S. Imperial Potentate.
Macadam, John Loudon
Scottish engineer. Developed the smooth waterproof road surface.
MacArthur, Douglas
5 star American General, served in both world wars. Made a Mason “at sight” in the Philippines and became 32 deg in Manilla and life member of the Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle, Washington.
Macdonald, Sir John Alexander
First Canadian Prime Minister. St. John’s Lodge No. 758, Kingston, Ontario. Honourary Past Grand Senior Warden.
Maclean, John Bayne
Founder of Maclean’s Magazine and President of Maclean’s Publishing Co.
Ionic Lodge No. 25, Toronto, Ontario
Madison, James
4th President of the USA. Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost.
Marshall, George C.
5 star American General. Made a Mason “at sight” by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia.
Mayer, Louis B.
American film producer with partner Sam Goldwyn.
St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City.
Mayo, Dr. Charles H.
American physician. Co-founder of the Mayo Clinics and Mayo Foundation for medical research.
Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, Minnesota.
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Italian revolutionary. Worked towards the liberation and unification of Italy.
Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.

McKinley, William
25th President of the USA. Hiram lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. Mark,
R. Arch and Knight Templar.
McLaughlin, Col. R. S. “Sam”
Founder of the McLaughlin Carriage Co. which later became General Motors of Canada. Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, Ontario. Grand Steward, 75 year member in the craft. Royal Arch, Knight Templar, President of Oshawa Shrine Club.
McLaughlin, John
Invented the modern Canada Dry version of Ginger Ale in 1907.
Cedar Lodge, No. 270 GRC.
McNair Alexander
First Govenor of the State of Missouri, member of Herman Lodge #28, St. Charles,
Missouri later known as Herman Lodge #3 after the formation of the Grand Lodge
of Missouri.
Meriwether, Lewis
Leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition, first Governor of the Louisiana Territories and , was one of the founders of St. Louis Lodge #111 with a charter from Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Austrian physician. Studies in magnetism led to the art of Mesmerization, which later became hypnotism.
Affiliated with the French Lodge Les Philadelphes.
Michelson, Albert Abraham
American physicist. Successfully measured the speed of light, gaining the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1907. Washington Lodge No. 21 New York City.

Mix, Tom
American actor. Made over 400 western movies.
Utopia Lodge No. 537, Los Angeles, California.
Molson, John
Founder of Molson Breweries. St. Paul’s Lodge, No. 374 UGLE, Montreal. Past Provincial Grand Master.

Monroe, James
5th President of the USA.
Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne
French inventor. developed the hot air balloon.
Lodge Les Neuf Soeurs, Paris.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Austrian composer
Lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit., Vienna.
Murphy, Audie
American soldier and actor. Most decorated US soldier in WW II.
32 Degree. AASR, KCCH, Dallas, Texas.
Nasmyth, Alexander
Scottish painter and inventor, friend of Robbie Burns.
Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh.
Oglethorpe, James E
English politician and soldier. Founder of Savannah GA. First W. Master of King Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia.
Olds, Ransom E.
American automotive engineer whose name is linked to the General Motors Oldsmobile division.
Capitol Lodge No. 66, Lansing Michigan.
Owen, Most Rev. Derwyn T.
Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of all Canada.
Ionic Lodge No. 25, Toronto, Ontario.
Palmer, Arnold Daniel
33 deg. Inspector General (Honorary) elect. AASR.
Loyalhanna Lodge No. 275, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
Peale, Norman Vincent
American clergyman and author.
Milwood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, New York.
Peary, Robert E
American explorer. First to reach the North Pole. Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City.
Pedro I, Dom Antonio Pedro de Alcantara Bourbon
Declared Brazil independent from Portugal and was crowned emperor. Returned to Portugal and was crowned King Pedro IV. Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil.

Penny, James C.
American founder of the J. C. Penny department store chain.
Wasatch Lodge No. 1 Salt Lake City, Utah.
Pershing, John Joseph
American General.
Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln Nebraska.
Pickett, George E.
Major General CSA. Developed the Pickett fence, defeated at Gettysburg.
Dove Lodge No. 51, Virginia.

Pike, Albert
American lawyer, soldier and author. Confederate General. Sovereign Grand Commander AASR, Southern Jurisdiction, author of Morals and Dogma.
Western Star Lodge No.2, Arkansas.
Polk, James Knox
11th President of the USA.
Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tennessee. Also a Royal Arch Mason.
Poinsett, Joel R.
USA Secretary of War, Master: Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Charleston, introduced
Freemasonry into Mexico, and the pointsetta to America.
Pryor, Richard
American actor and comedian. Henry Brown
Lodge No. 22, Peoria, IL.

Pullman, George M.
American engineer. Developed the luxury railway sleeping and dining cars. Pullman is, perhaps, the intended founder of Labor Day as a consequence of the Pullman strike of 1894.
Renovation Lodge No. 97, Albion New York.
Pushkin, Aleksander
Russian poet. Lodge Ovid, Kischinev.
Revere, Paul
American Revolutionary War hero.
St. Andrews Lodge, Boston. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Richards, Michael
American actor and comedian.
Riviera Lodge No. 780 Pacific Palisades, Ca
Richet, Charles Robert
French physiologist. His research into allergies and immune serum won him the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1913.
Lodge Cosmos under the Grand Lodge of France.
Rickenbacker, Eddie
US Air Force pilot and war hero. Downed 21 enemy planes and 4 balloons.
Kilwinning Lodge No. 297,MI.
Ringling Brothers
American showmen.
All seven brothers and their father August Ringling were members.
Baraboo Lodge No. 34, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
Robinson, “Sugar Ray”
American light heavyweight boxing champion of the world.
Joppa Lodge No. 55 PHA, New York City.
Rodriquez, Abelardo L.
President of Mexico. Shriner.
Rogers, Roy
American cowboy, singer and actor. 33 deg. KCCH.
Hollywood Lodge No. 355, Hollywood, California.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
32nd President of the USA.
Also Scottish Rite. He was present at the raising of his three sons, all of whom were raised in Architect Lodge No. 519, NY City.
Honorary Grand Master of Demolays.
Holland Lodge No. 8, NY City.

Roosevelt, Theodore
26th President of the USA.
Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York State.
Rothschild, Natan Meyer
Anglo-German financier.
Emulation Lodge No. 21.
Rubio, Pascual Ortiz
President of Mexico. Shriner.
Sabatini, Raphael
English novelist. Wrote Captain Blood, Scaramouche, etc.
Jerusalem Lodge No. 197, London, UK.
Sarnoff, David
Radio and TV executive, Marconi and RCA.
Strict Observance Lodge No. 94, New York City.
Sax, Antoine Joseph
Belgian instrument maker. Invented the Saxophone and Saxhorn.
Lodge Les Vrais Amis de L’Union.
Sayer, Anthony
First Grand Master elected by the “Four Old Lodges”, London, England,
June 24th., 1717.
Scott, Robert Falcon
British polar explorer, perished with his entire party.
Drury Lane Lodge No. 2127, London, UK. Also Navy Lodge 2612
Scott, Sir Walter
Scottish writer and poet. Ivanhoe, The Talisman, etc.
Saint David Lodge No. 36, Edinburgh.
Sellers, Peter
English actor. Pink Panther, Goon Show, etc.
Chelsea Lodge No. 3098, London, UK.
Shackleton, Sir Ernest H
One of the most famous of all Antarctic explorers,
Navy Lodge 2612.
Shillibeer, George
English inventor. Pioneered the omnibus.
Etonian Lodge of St. John No. 209, Windsor, UK.
Sibelius, Jan
Finnish composer, suggested to be second only to Mozart as a Masonic composer.
Suomi Lodge No. 1 Helsinki.
Simcoe, Lord John Graves
First Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada – now Ontario.
Union Lodge No. 307, E.R. (Moderns), Exeter, England.
Sinclair, Gordon “Sinc”
Canadian journalist and broadcaster. John Ross
Robertson No. 545, Toronto, Ontario.
Skelton, Richard B. “Red”
Comedian and TV star.
Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Indiana. Famous Shriner.
Smathers, James F.
Inventor of the electric typewriter,
Gate City Lodge No 522, Kansas City.
Sousa, John Philip
American composer and band leader. Stars and Stripes Forever.
Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington DC.
Stutz, Harry Clayton
American automotive pioneer circa 1900.
Ancient Landmarks Lodge No. 319 Indianapolis. RAM, Kt. Templar and member of Murat Shrine Temple – all Indianapolis.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymore
English composer with partner Sir W. S. Gilbert.
Grand Organist of the United Grand Lodge of England.
Swift, Jonathan
Irish poet and writer. Gulliver’s travels.
Probably Lodge No. 16, Dublin.
Taft, William H.
27th President of the USA.
Made a Mason “at sight” in Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Thomas, Dave
Founder of Wendy’s hamburger chain.
Sol D. Bayless Lodge No. 359, Fort Wayne IN. 33 deg. AASR. Grand Cross.
Tillis, Lonnie Melvin “Mel”
American Country Music entertainer.
Branson Lodge No. 587, Branson, Missouri 33deg AASR, Grand Cross.
Tirpitz, Alfred Von
German Admiral. Restructured the german navy. Lodge Zur Aufrichtigen, Herzen, Frankfurt.
Travis, William B.
American commander at the Alamo.
Alabama Lodge No. 3, Claiborne, Alabama.

Truman, Harry S.
33rd President of the USA.
Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, Missouri. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, Knights Templar, 33 deg. Scottish Rite and Shrine Potentate. Honorary Grand Master of DeMolays.

Twain, Mark
American writer (Samuel L. Clemens).
Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St. Louis, Missouri.
Valdes, Miguel Aleman
President of Mexico.
Vivekananda, Swami Nerendramah Datta
Leading exponent of both Hinduism and Yoga in the west.
Hope and Anchor Lodge No. 1 Calcutta, India.
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet
French writer an philosopher.
Lodge Les Neuf Soeurs (accompanied by Ben Franklin).
Wadlow, Robert Pershing
Tallest human, almost 9 feet tall.
Franklin Lodge No. 25, Alton, Illinois.
Wallace, George C.
Governor of Alabama.
Orator of the Grand Lodge of Alabama in 1961.
Warner, Jack L.
American film producer and one of the Warner Brothers.
Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, Los Angeles, CA.
Warren, Gen. Joseph
Physician, Patriot, killed at Bunker Hill.
St. Andrew’s Lodge, Boston. Grand Master of Massachusetts.
Washington, Booker T.
American author.
Made a Mason “at sight” by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Washington, George
1st President of the USA.
Fredericksburg Lodge, Virginia.
Watson, Whipper Billy
Canadian professional wrestler.
Temple Lodge No. 525.
Wayne, John
American film star.
Came through the system from DeMolay.
33 Deg. Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Tucson, AZ.
Webb, Capt. Matthew
English swimmer. First man to swim the English Channel.
Neptune Lodge No. 22.
Wellington, Arthur Duke of.
British soldier and statesman. Defeated Napoleon at Waterloo.
Irish Lodge No. 494, Trim, Ireland.
Wilde, Oscar O’Flahertie Wills
Anglo Irish dramatist. The importance of being Earnest.
Apollo Lodge No. 357, Oxford, UK.
William IV
King of England, made a Mason at Plymouth, England, March 9th. 1786.
Wilson, William Mercer
First Grand Master of the independent Grand Lodge of Canada, 1855. Also first Grand First Principal of Royal Arch Masons of Canada.

Wozniak, Steve
Co-founder of Apple Computers.
Charity Lodge #362, Campbell, CA
Zanuck, Darryl F
American film producer. Co-founder of 20th Century Productions.
Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, Los Angeles.
Ziegfeld, Florenz
American producer. Ziegfeld’s Follies.
Accordia Lodge No. 277, Chicago, Illinois.
I see masonry still more interesting as I read more about it.
It is a beautiful moment to notice these men are part of our life.I feel honored.