Masonic Central – Engaging the most prolific thinkers, writers, leaders, entertainers, and other news makers of Freemasonry today in one-on-one interviews and round table discussions.
“We take the craft and art of Freemasonry seriously and we see the pod cast as an excellent medium for exploring the intellectual and spiritual depths of the fraternity; its ideas and experience!”
Masonic Central, with Brothers Greg Stewart and Dean Kennedy, was a weekly podcast about Freemasonry; its meaning, works, and ideas.
The podcast recorded from 2008 and 2010 reaching listeners across the globe. Past guests included author of Freemasons for Dummies, Br. Chris Hodapp; the distinguished professor of Freemasonry Margaret Jacob; author and publisher Stephen Dafoe, musician and composer Howie Damron, the esteemed speaker and Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges, the Right Worshipful Tom Jackson, and the Scottish Rite Journal’s very own Brent Morris, and this only names a few.
The show was self-produced and distributed via the web site
Masonic Central was about the compelling and challenging voices of wisdom on the more relevant subjects of 21st-century Masonry. Greg Stewart takes a philosophical view about the fraternity, drawing out the intersection of thought and experience of broad ideas and real life. Dean Kennedy brought a grounded and good-humored take on the realities and dynamics of what the fraternity embodied. The result was an in-depth and revealing program unavailable from traditional sources of Masonic communication. Just a few of the topics covered included Freemasonry in the cinema, Masonic Technology and the confusing world of Masonic publishing.
You can still listen to the program on iTunes by searching for “Masonic Central”
Ep 64: All things Shrine International
Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder, Imperial Outer Guard for Shrine International, talks about all things big and small as it relates to the Shrine.
Ep 63: Social Capital and the era of Gate City Lodge.
Brs. Beaux Pettys and Mike Bjelajac join the program to talk Freemasonry and the growth of their lodge.
Ep 62: Michael Halleran
In this episode we talk with Michael Halleran about his new book The Better Angels of Our Nature – The Civil War and American Freemasonry. Perhaps one of the most turbulent periods of American History, Halleran, in his book, takes us on the trail of fact and fiction through the intersection of Freemasonry and the Civil War.
Ep 61: Table Talk – From HELL by gaslight
In this episode we talk about the classic film starring starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham and Ian Holm and the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell.
Ep 60: Greg Kaminsky
In this episode, Masonic Central talks to the the iconic host extraordinaire, Greg Kaminsky from the Occult of Personality podcast.
Ep 59: The Masonic Restoration Foundation
Br.’s Cliff Porter and Marc Tabbert join the program to talk about the MRF, T.O., and EC Lodges.
EP 58: Masonic Central Japan
Brothers Michael Pearce and Bill Patterson launch their inaugural edition Masonic Central Asia with guest Br. Jim Johnston.
EP 57: Karl Grube
In this episode we talk with Karl Grube from the Bonisteel Masonic Library and Detroit Masonic Temple.
EP 56: Table Talk Post holiday catch up
With Dean & Greg on the events of 2009.
Ep 55: Rebroadcast
Paul Bessel and Jerry Samet
Ep 54: Mark Koltko-Rivera
Mark Koltko-Rivera on Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol.
Ep 53: Br. Michael Poll
Publisher and author Br. Michael Poll of Cornerstone publishing.
Ep 52: Lon Milo DuQuette
Ep 52: Masonic Central Japan
Surprise mystery guests on Masonic Central – Masonic Central Japan!
Ep 51: Sanctum Sanctorum
The Sanctum Sanctorum on Masonic Central.
Ep 50: John Nagy
Building Boaz – Author John Nagy on Masonic Central.
Ep 49: Crown of Serpent
Crown of Serpents on Masonic Central.
Ep 48: Chris Hodapp and Cliff Porter
“The Lost Symbol” found with Chris Hodapp and Cliff Porter
Ep 47: Tim Bryce and Tom Accuosti.
What is Freemasonry? A discussion with Tim Bryce and Tom Accuosti.
Ep 46: Table Talk
Masonic Central Table Talk – Back to School!
Ep 45: Social Media for the Nonprofit
Social Media and the Non-Profit – How Social Media is vital to fraternal organizations.
Ep 44: Cliff Porter
The return of Masonic Central and the “Masonic Baptism” with Cliff Porter!
Ep 43: Br. Mark Allen Tabbert
Br. Mark Allen Tabbert on the George Washington Memorial.
Ep 42: Karen Kidd
Author Karen Kidd on her new book “Haunted Chambers, the lives of early women Freemasons.”
Ep 41: Stephen Dafoe
Br Stephen Dafoe, on Morgan: The Scandal That Shook Freemasonry
Ep 40: Timothy Hogan
Freemasonry and Kabbalah – The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon with Timothy Hogan
Ep 39: Br. Timothy Bonney, PM
Br. Timothy Bonney, PM. on the European Concept Lodge vs. The Traditional Observance Lodge concept. Br. Tim is the author of the owner and editor of the website Freemasonry Resource
Ep 38: Chris Hodapp
The “truth” on Conspiracies with Chris Hodapp. The “truth” on Conspiracies with Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasons for Dummies, and Conspiracy Theories And Secret Societies For Dummies.
Ep 37: Br. Christopher Allan Knowles
Br. Christopher Allan Knowles – author & publisher Brother Knowles is the author of three books of Masonic fiction in the vein of police procedural murder mysteries.
Ep 36: Frater Hrumachis
Former Public Information Officer of the U.S. Grand Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis
Ep 35: Br. John Nagy
Author of the new book Building Hiram – Uncommon Catechism for Uncommon Masonic Education
Ep 34: Br. Martin Faulks
Lewis Masonic Publishing on the Masonic literary world and being a Masonic Ninja!
EP 33: Br. Peter Millheiser
Editor of the Hibiscus Masonic Review on journal of the same name and education in Freemasonry.
EP 32: Harm Timmerman
Composer and Producer Harm Timmerman from Free Stone Music, the creator of the Masonicly inspired CD “The Temple of Humanity“.
EP 31: Table Talk
Table Talk with the editors and authors of
EP 30: Professor Margaret C. Jacob
Distinguished Professor of History at UCLA Margaret Jacob Interview on Freemasonry and Civil Society.
EP 29: Br. W. Kirk MacNulty
The Mystical Orientation of Freemasonry
EP 28: James Wasserman
Compiler of The Mystery Traditions
EP 27: Maja D’Aoust
Former librarian of the Philosophical Research Society
EP 26: Br. Mark Menard
Br. Mark Menard on technology and Freemasonry
EP 25: Br. Howie Damron
The Music of Masonic Pride with live performance of the Masonic Ring.
EP 24: J.J. Miller
Compilers and editors of Morals and Dogma for the 21st Century, Stone Guild Publishing.
EP 23: Masonic Central Back to Basics
Masonic Central goes back to basics in a round table discussion.
EP 22: Digital Table Lodge
1st Annual Digital Table Lodge – the first annual Masonic Table Lodge
EP 21: RW Michael T. Anderson
RW Michael T. Anderson on Prince Hall Freemasonry.
EP 20: Pip Faulks
Author Pip Faulks on the book the Count Cagliostro and her book The Masonic Magician.
EP 19: Chris Hodapp
Author Chris Hodapp on his book “Freemasons for Dummies” and his new venture The Masonic Society
EP 18: Timothy Hogan
Author Timothy Hogan on the Alchemy of Freemasonry and his book “Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual”
EP 17: W. Bro. S. Brent Morris
W.Bro. S.Brent Morris 33rd – Editor of “The Scottish Rite Journal” and the author of the book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry.
EP 16: W. Bro Robert Davis
W. Bro Robert Davis 33rd on Oklahoma Masonry, the Guthrie College of the Consistory study program
EP 15: R.: W.: Tom Jackson
R.: W.: Tom Jackson – On the Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges and formerly the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
EP 14: Jessica Harland-Jacobs
Author and professor Jessica Harland-Jacobs – Author of Builders of Empire: Freemasons and British Imperialism, 1717-1927
EP 13: Br. Stephen Dafoe
Br. Stephen Dafoe – Author of several Masonic and Templar books, who is now crossing into the world of Graphic Novels with his new project Outremer
EP 12: Table “Tech” Talk
Table “Tech” Talk – A look at the various types of tools available on line for for use in the administration and communication in the lodge environment.
EP 11: Br. Nelson King
Br. Nelson King – Past President and current Editor of the Philalethes Society.
EP 10: Freemasonry in the Movies
Freemasonry in the Movies – Masonic Central as we talk about Freemasonry in the movies “The Man Who Would be King”, “National Treasure”, “Rosewood”.
EP 9: Br. Adam Kendall
Br. Adam Kendall – the Curator of Collections for the Henry Wilson Coil Library & Museum of Freemasonry for the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of California.
EP 8: Brothers Paul Bessel and Jerry Samet
Brothers Paul Bessel and Jerry Samet – Paul is a prolific author and web publisher of the Masonic website as well as of many papers, and books, and Br. Jerry is a Past Grand Master of Washington D.C
EP 7: Jennifer Emick
Jennifer Emick – The former alternative religion guide Jennifer Emick
EP 6: Masonic Central Table Talk
Masonic Central Table Talk – An open forum discussion on all things Masonic
EP 4: Br. Tom Accousti
Br. Tom Accousti – From the Masonic blog the Tao of Masonry.
EP 3: Br. John Ratcliff
Br. John Ratcliff – A talk about a variety of topics including why he became a Freemason, blogging, books on Freemasonry, esoteric Freemasonry vs. ritual magic, symbolism, the Boy Scouts, and traveling to visit other lodges
EP 2: Brother Tim Bryce
Brother Tim Bryce – Tim Bryce under the Grand Lodge of Florida, on a variety of topics ranging from the organization and management of the fraternity to the lessons of our history and how they have played out in the past that directly relating to us today.
EP 1: Brother Fred Miliken
Brother Fred Miliken – Fred Milliken of the blog the Beehive on modern masonry, Prince Hall, and his Masonic journey.
Wow, just suffered through Ep 14. The gentleman from York could have justifiably had his microphone cut. The guest would have been better treated and the resulting show would have been more valuable to listeners.
I just found this podcast and seriously enjoyed it. Thank you but why did it end? I can’t find any reasons.
What happened to it?!?!?!? I was so happy to have found it and have listened to every episode at least twice.