Brother Mike McCabe, a six-time Past Master, passed away on March 13, 2018
You might remember the articles published here on Freemason Information about the Struggles of Mike McCabe with the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and his subsequent expulsion.
You can review them HERE & HERE & HERE & HERE.
McCabe’s longtime friend Rich Baxter had this to say:
Mike McCabe passed away today on March 13, 2018, he was one of my best friends for over 30 years. In our early friendship he took me up to the Grand Lodge in North Jersey for a ceremony – he wanted me to consider joining the Masonic Lodge. I never did join but I always knew that Mike was of the highest standard that a Mason could be, he lived and breathed the Masonic traditions and embraced them. When he saw wrong with this lodge that had shady dealings going on, he reported it. That’s the way Mike was, an honorable man who had character beyond belief. He held himself to a high standard and expected that of others in the Masonic Brotherhood. To be thrown out of the Masonic Lodge was something I never expected that other Masons could get away with. They may have done this to him but I believe the bad karma will eventually come back on them- the cowardice and malice they showed Mike is yet an example that evil and corruption exists in the least expected places. No, the Lodge never voted Mike McCabe back in, but he will always be a good standing Mason and person in my eyes and in the eyes of many who knew him. God bless, Mike, Rest in Peace, my brother.

McCabe was expelled from the Grand Lodge of New Jersey on very minor infractions that did not live up to the severity of unmasonic conduct. He also wrote an expose of his Grand Lodge for pulling the charter of his Lodge, Trimble Lodge, after a vote did not go the way the Grand Master wanted. McCabe claimed that the Grand Lodge confiscated the well-endowed funds of Trimble Lodge to bolster its own shortcomings.
McCabe sought a new trial and/or reinstatement claiming the Grand Lodge did not follow its own Constitution, By-Laws and rules and regulations. He never received one, but he never lost his faith in the Craft which he served so well. His many accomplishments in Freemasonry will live on forever and his legacy as a Freemason will shine brightly as a path to emulate.
” I would like to leave you with this thought: The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells, on the sand. The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops, and yet — it echoes on in sweet refrains. For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.” (quoted from here).
Mike was a good friend and great Mason. Too bad the leadership of this Grand jurisdiction that expelled him didn’t realize his talent and all the good he did for NJ Freemasonry He might be gone but I will not be forgotten by me and those that loved him. “Well done my good and faithful servant”.
R.W. Dennis R. Winter, Past District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New Jersey
That was a very nice eulogy Brother Fred. Rest In Peace Brother McCabe.
There was no better man than Mike McCabe, and definitely no better Freemason. He was my mentor when I joined Trimble Lodge. He loved Trimble Lodge and the Freemasons. I’m sure the Great Architect has a place for him on high. RIP Brother Mike.
Brother and my late friend, Mike McCabe was to the very end, an honorable man and Freemason. Regardless of many entreaties by many to abide by GL’s demands etc Mike declared they were wrong. Like a resolute and unyielding Rock, Mike never wavered from his belief he would be proven right and Order would be restored in his beloved Masonic World. Sadly, for him, for us his friends and Brothers and more sadly the Grand Lodge of NJ, this did not happen. And, to his credit, though banned by the Craft he loved, he still believed in the virtues and character of Masonry. I pray and yes, even cry that Mike is duly received into the Celestial Lodge, not made by Hands and again sits with his Brothers who preceded him. So mote it be.