Recently, the great work of the Missouri Lodge of Research was brought to my attention.
The Research Lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, AF&AM on September 30, 1941 under the direction of MWB Harry S. Truman with the purpose of gathering and disseminating historical information pertaining to the origin and development of Freemasonry and to its members who have contributed to its growth and development.
One of the projects the Missouri Lodge of Research is undertaking is the digitization of its rare holdings resulting in a number of works made available for download and reading on the secure format. What makes this digital library unique is that it’s member and participant sponsored giving allows members the opportunity to contribute to this preservation and knowledge transfer work.
One of the annual events that the Missouri Lodge of Research sponsors is the Truman Lecture, which has hosted a number of notable Masons over the years on a wide of topics (you can find a list of them here). Most remarkable about series is that it represents Freemasonry in action, the act of presenting to its membership a breath of knowledge and information by some of the most notable speakers in the contemporary craft.
Membership to MOLoR is open to any Master Mason in or out of the state of Missouri. In-state members may participate as an active member giving them access to lectures and events in state. Out of state correspondent members receive MoLAR’s quarterly newsletter, an annual book selection published by the Lodge of Research and all of their other corresponding materials.