A Historical event in Texas Freemasonry took place on Friday, November 13, 2015. For the first time Brethren from Local Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Texas visited a Grand Session of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas.
Past Grand Master Jerry Martin of the Grand Lodge of Texas visited the Summer Grand Session of Prince Hall in June of 2015, but no local Brethren accompanied him.

The occasion this past Friday was a Grand Raising of 52 Fellow Crafts under the leadership of Grand Master Wilbert M. Curtis. Grand Master Curtis recognized the visiting Brethren from Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No 1283 and Irving Lodge No 1218 before proceeding with the degree.
Both Texas Grand Lodges signed a mutual compact of recognition in April of 2007, but that agreement prohibited intervisitation. It was not until the first of this year, 2015, that the compact was modified to allow cross visitation.
Brethren from Jewel P. Lightfoot No 1283 Grand Lodge of Texas just last month visited Pride of Mt. Pisgah No 135 Prince Hall Texas. In December Pride of Mt. Pisgah with Brethren from other Prince Hall Lodges will be visiting Jewel P. Lightfoot to observe their Third Degree.

It seems that concerns that both Grand Lodges might have had over intervisitation were not anything to worry about. All visitations so far have been received with great joy and great fellowship. Welcome to the 21st Century!
This is a little more progress, and something positive I would have loved to have seen when I was actually a member in Texas so many years ago.
A great day for Freemasonary
I look forward when I can visit a Prince Hall lodge.
Evidently, you haven’t gotten the consensus of the SETX brethren…. They’re not pleased from what I gather…
It’s our fathers will that all masons comes together in unity. We serve the same purpose.
I am ADDGM Terry Elliott from Miami fl. We
Are having a very big masonic parade December 12 2015 , it’s a Christmas parade and toys give away. For more info contact me at elliottsrt@gmail.com.
We”re crawling FORWARD instead of looking BACK.
I think that is great for masonry
It’s time the break the chain. /G\ IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. WHEN HE SHOWS UP HE SHOWS OUT. SMIB, SMIB
Glad to see that the Brotherhood is starting to make a change and tear the wall of division. Now maybe we can move forward and do the work that our God intended for us to do.
I think that this has been a long time coming, and frankly it is time to move beyond this petty bickering of “we don’t recognize you/you don’t recognize us” crap… We’re all Masons, and we should be acting like one brotherhood instead of many.
“How GOOD and pleasant it is when Brethren dwell TOGETHER in Unity……..”