Phoenixmasonry is happy to announce the acquisition from WEOFM of a series of Masonic videos from today’s stars of Masonic scholars, authors and Lecturers.
Phoenixmasonry salutes Wor. Mason Pratt for many hours of work to load these videos to the Phoenixmasonry website.
There must be a subject in this collection that will pique your Masonic interest. And, as always with Phoenixmasonry, Masonic information is provided free of charge. Perhaps some of these videos would make a good showing at a Masonic Education series for your Lodge.
(WEOFM stands for Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry)
So sad. I could not open even one of the links. Is there any other weay to reach them?
Pablo Palacios Wolf (33) Argentina
They open fine on my computer. Try opening them directly from the Phoenixmasonry site –
Dear Pablo, Try weofm on vimeo…or……or