Here we go again in Georgia. Remember Victor Marshall who the Grand Lodge of Georgia tried to expel for being a Non-White? If not refresh your memory with the Freemason Information article My Brother’s Keeper – Open Racism In Georgia Freemasonry.
Now it’s open war on homosexuals. Where will it all end? Do you think that Georgia can mimic Florida and ban all Pagan religions also?
Chris Hodapp on his Masonic Blog Freemasons For Dummies reports:

Last week in Georgia, the Grand Master, Douglas McDonald, issued an edict with the endeavor to change their adultery provision to additionally read, “Homosexual activity with anyone subjects the offender to discipline.”
I’m afraid there will be more of this. Brethren should consider that they have all probably been sitting in lodge with homosexuals since the day they became an EA. I strongly encourage Masons to check their state’s code and take steps to remove these provisions. I’m no gay activist, but we live in different times now, and the Supreme Court has spoken on the subject. Like it or not, such rules may subject us to lawsuits, and I humbly beseech Grand Masters not to act rashly because homosexuality conflicts with their own personal views of morality. We have had thousands of gay members since our beginnings, almost entirely without incident or without bringing disgrace upon the Craft. What someone does in the privacy of their own bedrooms is none of our business, as long as they don’t bring their politics into the lodge room.
Hodapp also reports on the Grand Lodge of Tennessee attempting to expel a Gay member.
Author Brother Michael Karpovage has this to say:

What an utterly embarrassing day it is for Freemasonry in the state of Georgia. An angry day. We are a non-religious educational institution based on Brotherly Love for our fellow man. Tolerance is a key tenet of the organization. A man’s character is all that matters. Not his race, his personal religion, his wealth or social status. And certainly NOT his sexuality.
Yet, our deeply religious Grand Master just shoved down our throats (pun intended) an edict that bans a homosexual from becoming a Mason on the basis that it’s moral sin under God. His version of God. There was no debate, no unanimous decision. There wasn’t a statewide call for this action by the brethren. It was issued like an executive order in the very last month of his term. He opened Pandora’s Box and I certainly gave him an earful of which I’ll probably be reprimanded for or worse. But I will not sit idly by without raising my voice.
This is what scares me about these Ralph Reed-type religious far-right wingers in our country. I believe in separation of church and state. I joined this institution specifically because religion and politics (two of the most divisive subjects of mankind) are strictly prohibited from being discussed within a lodge. And with one man’s actions, now all GA Masons will be painted as backward ass bigots.
Brotherly Love. Oh, the irony.
Update – Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015: Chris Hodapp posted:
The Grand Lodge of Georgia met yesterday and the voting members upheld Grand Master Douglas McDonald’s edict outlawing homosexuality, and throwing in fornication for good measure.
So it would appear that Georgia Masonry has taken a stand on the subject.
-the Editor
Even J. Edgar Hoover wouldn’t make it in modern Freemasonry
hopefully it won’t get any support in Grand Lodge and it will end there if not this could kill freemasonry
in Georgia
not all Georgia masons are intolerant bigots
Since the far beginning the Freemasonry was not racist: read Rudyard Kipling, Oscar Wilde, the history of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, etc…But since I joined the Brotherhood I have to admit that we claim to work on ourselves to become better men, but then we don’t behave coherently: egotism, narcissism, power, selfishness, arrogance, preconcept, etc…harbour in our lodges and in our behavior. Sorry to be so bitter, but these are my two cents worth thoughts of mine since my experience from my Birth in 1973.
Not just homosexuality is banned but also fornication by single straight males or people cohabiting outside of matrimony!
Intolerance by these masons can only hurt our Fraternity. This is the type of publicity we should avoid.
This really depends on the lodge and the particular members. I know for a fact there are openly gay Masons in some lodges. I also know for a fact that there are Masons who would blackball a man for being gay because he believes his faith tells him that homosexuality is wrong, and that a gay man is breaking the laws of God, therefore not of good moral character.
A gay man should be aware of this when applying to a Masonic lodge. He may be accepted if there are no people in the lodge who are religiously opposed to homosexuality.
It’s kind of messy. Freemasonry doesn’t itself adopt any particular faith, but it encourages its members to follow THEIR faith, so a member voting against a gay man may do so because he believes he’s following his faith. It isn’t a perfect system, but in the end the purpose of unanimously electing a member is to maintain harmony in a lodge, and one member is morally opposed to the behavior of another, that harmony will be disrupted.
Hopefully that makes some sense. It depends on the ldoge and its members.
It is disgraceful to see disharmony in our craft. We can control this best at our mother lodges.
“but in the end the purpose of unanimously electing a member is to maintain harmony in a lodge, and one member is morally opposed to the behavior of another, that harmony will be disrupted”
That’s the excuse used to not admit Black men. “I’m not prejudiced but there are those in the Lodge who would object, so for the peace and harmony of the Lodge we have to Black Ball all African Americans.” Thus prejudice is allowed to become part of Freemasonry “for the harmony of the Lodge.”
I wonder if we are doing our best to understand the deep core of Freemasonry and if we care what involves and implies to become a Freemason. Or are we pretending the Freemasonry be teylor made on our defects, prejudices and wrong doings?
((Fred )) it’s not a race thing !
The obligation says look to the faith of your upbringing. No matter which one it is as long as you believe in a ((supreme being))God, Mohammed or Jesus. If you can’t handle the obligations join a different club how is being gay a race ?and what dose color of skin have to do with it ? Not buying it sorry brother
You missed the point. It’s all about the excuse of harmony must be maintained in the Lodge. If that means prejudices must be allowed in order to keep harmony that’s how it has to be. It’s all about discrimination, whether its by race or by sexual preference. I wasn’t mixing the two, just showing that the harmony of the Lodge has been used in other instances to permit discrimination. You’re a smart guy. I’m sure you see the distinction.
It’s also about the fact that this is not the first time the Grand Lodge of Georgia has used prejudice to discriminate. The GL of Georgia has a track record of being exclusive insteand of inclusive and of trying to make Freemasony a WASP Sociiety. What is being pointed out here is a PATTERN, a pattern of discrimination. All men are not equal in the eyse of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.
This response came in reply to the email that sends posts to subscribers. I’ll leave it as anonymous as it was not sent as a public comment, per-se, though I believe it should see the light of day, if anything then to represent some of the cultural and societal forces at work behind the ideas of the fraternity.
The comment, as addressed to Michael Karpovage, reads:
In North America those Grand Lodges that utilize a Webb based ritual mention The Lodge of the Holy Saint Johns and the personages The Holy Saint Johns in obligations and in both openings and closings.
The Moderns chose this course bringing Christianity to the New World .The Lodge of Holy Saint Johns were comprised of Templars and the Holy Saint Johns are recognized both as John The Baptist and Evangelist.All of which are both Christian.Like it or not if you are a Recognized Master Mason in North America you have obligated yourself to them and the moral responsibility of Christianity.
Does your concept of accepting adult behavior in the privacy of their bedrooms allow parents to have sex with their consenting children?
My thoughts are ANYONE who thinks sodomy or incest is an acceptable life style is morally bankrupt.
As of 2011, there were still nine Grand Lodges that still considered Prince Hall Masonry clandestine: West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and…Georgia. Out of 51 Grand Lodges. I think that says quite a bit. Sad.And I don’t mean they reject amalgamation, of merging of Grand Lodges, etc. I mean they don’t recognize Prince Hall at all, and there is not even a right of visitation.
“My thoughts are ANYONE who thinks sodomy or incest is an acceptable life style is morally bankrupt.”
That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. However, that is not the opinion of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not a Christian organization. Freemasonry makes no rules on sectarian religion. NO RULES! All that is required is a belief in Deity. Nothing more, nothing less.
Because Masonic ritual contains Biblical references does not constitute an endorsement of any particular religious dogma. It was the way to express virtues and ethics of the originators of the ritual at that time in history. They pulled from what they knew.
Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723 acknowledges that:
A Mason is oblig’d by his Tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine. But though in ancient Times Masons were charg’d in every Country to be of the Religion of that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet ’tis now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that Religion in which all Men agree, leaving their particular Opinions to themselves; that is, to be good Men and true, or Men of Honour and Honesty, by whatever Denominations or Persuasions they may be distinguish’d;
I will remind all that there are some Christian churches that accept homosexuality. Some even have Gay Clergy. It is this kind of thought from anonymous that is not “that religion in which all men agree” and is responsible for the corruption of Freemasonry whereby the Grand Lodge of Florida forced two Brothers to resign because they were not Christians, or more accurately of an Abrahamic faith. That ruling was recognized by most Masons at the time to be in error as those today will see the error in what anonymous wrote.
While a Past Grand Master of Florida issued a Ruling and Decision banning Pagan religions, The Craft overruled that decision at their next Annual Grand Communication.
No kidding. We all know that. The point is that the people that make decisions like that are still Masons in power, they just aren’t exercising it at the moment.
President Buchanan, Oscar Wilde and J Edgar Hoover were Brethren. As for adultery, how many can be expelled for living with a woman without the benefit of marriage.
If someone can not fill his place he should resign. Nothing else. I live a bit nearer to MIddle East and I have thousands of refugees on the news each day: Please, dear brother, I cannot hold from compare Your decision with any other fundamentalist religion. This is not freemason thinking. And if Your feelings get over Your thinking, I don’t know why we are working the raw stone. I need to say this, otherwise I couldn’t stand in the chain any longer. Georg Dehn, Leipzig.
How does intolerance side with Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth?
Of course, I also want my government to get out of my wallet, out of my doctor’s office, and out of my bedroom.
If it ain’t hurting you, it’s none of your darned business!
Ok, so specific religious doctrine aside, someone please explain to me how homosexuality can in any way be considered “moral”.
Ok, so specific religious doctrine aside, someone please explain to me how homosexuality can in any way be considered “immoral”.
It is a refreshing change to see morality defended and immoral choices of lifestyle rejected by honorable men! Edict 2015-1 passed in Grand Lodge and is now part of the constitution, laws, and edicts that GA masons are obligated to uphold. Homosexuality does not have a place in an ALL MALE Order that deems to come from the lodge of the Holy Saints John. These being the Christian Saints: St. John the Baptist, and Saint John the Evangelist. There are many other fraternities and clubs that are more than happy to cater to homosexuals. Freemasonry is an Order that has subsisted from time immemorial and has always been an organization that has been heralded by the public for its morals, honesty, confidentiality, and charity. Political correctness should never make any inroads or to require change in a body so steeped in antiquity, whose roots are so intertwined with religion as to make it inseparable. I would advise any GA mason who feels that they cant abide by this law to separate themselves from Freemasonry and unite and create a social club that is more accepting of their immorality.
It made it thru Grand Lodge today.
The edict was approved at Georgia’s Grand Lodge yesterday. I understand the vote was close but ultimately it was passed.
That homosexuality is immoral is your opinion. I might remind you that some Christian churches accept homosexuality and some even have Gay Clergy. But that’s not the point. Freemasonry is not a Christian organization. It is not a Jewish organization. It is not a Muslim organization. In fact we are instructed by Freemasonry not to let partisan politics and sectarian religion be a part of the Craft. You have just violated that tradition.
Intolerance by the Georgia Grand Lodge only hurts our craft. Not only could it lead to lawsuits, but it gives Masonry a bad name.
I like it ! Im mexican freemason gay and i wanna be part of this QQ:.HH:. I’m 21 Y.O
Though Masonic Lodges & Grand Lodges are “private” groups, they are bound to follow their own rules, but they are also bound to follow laws of the state & federal governments by obligation, as a matter of legal requirement, and in connection with any IRS tax-status said lodge/ GL may hold.
The legal precedent for this view is the matter of Frank Haas v. Grand Lodge of West Virginia, where the court made and upheld such ruling that holds Grand Lodges accountable.
As I wrote on Facebook when I shared this post:
“Indeed Freemasonry in America is making a clear choice, which is far from good!
Last year few Grand Lodges banned Pagans, and now this!
This is a shame!!!
As a Mason for a long time, I can tell that such ban is opposite to what real Freemasonry must be!
The time is coming to show that there are other kind of Freemasonry in the world and very close to the spirit of the Founding Fathers.”
PS: Please post a better scan of the edict of this Grand Lodge.
I will be petitioning my WM , lodge and brethren to contact the GL of Ireland in order for them to make a very clear statement on this matter. The GL of Ireland should not be in friendly communication with GL of Georgia until this rule has been rescinded.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
By reading a few key things I can tell that the guy that wrote this is not a Mason and a bunch of the males that are commenting are not either.
Really? Well you are dead wrong
Iain, the GL of Ireland will be made aware of this as such behaviour and attitude is entirely unmasonic, and I cannot see how we can be in any way in friendly communication with the GL of Georgia.
Strong Entities Only.
One of the comments received via email on the subject:
A state grand lodge can do as it pleases in regards to membership in a fraternity.
I assume you are yourself a Mason and not just a Masonic watch dog. If my assumption is correct, I will remind you Masons must believe in God, and particularly in the south, that is the Christian God; the only God for me and most of my brethren.
That being said, there is no place in the Bible-that book we obligate on- that condones homosexuality. There are however, several direct exhortations to depart from that lifestyle or anyone engaged in it. See Leviticus 18:21-22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:27.
So, lets dabble in logical thinking for a moment. Masons believe in God, and that his word, the Bible is the “rule and guide” for our life. If that rule and guide and adherence to it is a rule to be a Mason and you have Masons living lives in start contrast to the Bible’s teachings, then, they can’t be Masons. They are living two lies: one that they are true Masons and two that they are doing the will of God, which I have just proved, they are not.
For me, it is that simple. Homosexuality is immoral according to the Bible and 1 Corinthians 5:1 say to ‘expel thy immoral brother.” I see no other way around it.
First of all— thank you to the very decent straight Brother Christopher Hodapp, who, as his writings and commentary show, is someone with a lot of insight into Freemasonry and its ethos historically. As to this nonsense from Georgia it is my hope that the UGLE will find some way of of unrecognizing the Grand Lodge of Georgia, and further bringing the people behind this nefarious action up on Masonic charges. They are clearly people who know nothing about Freemasonry, and are only in it for their own bizarre reasons. Like so many in the past, there is a long history of using the Craft for personal reasons that have NOTHING to do with its inherent intent and ethos. They should get out, now. There is a long and noble tradition of conservative/ liberal inclusion in the Craft. But it is NOT, by any reasonable historical reading, an infinitely elastic organization. If these people in Georgia cannot honor the basic ethos of tolerance, they should leave. Period.
Bro. Peter Paul Fuchs
Masonry is NOT a religion. Masons come from diverse faiths that have various interpretations as to what is a sin. We as a craft should not condemn homosexuality since everyone has their own beliefs.. What the Grand Lodge of Georgia passed is wrong.
I would reply to that noting that there are some Christian churches who accept homosexuality, who even have homosexual clergy. Freemasonry is not a Christian organization. The only requirement is that one have a belief in Deity. Now my Deity may believe in homosexuality and yours may not but you have no right to impose your personal sectarian religious beliefs on another Brother. Sectarain religion like partisan politics are things that divide us. It has been a long tradition that Freemasonry is non judgmental in these matters.
Edward Weinstein says
October 29, 2015 at 10:10 pm
Masonry is NOT a religion. Masons come from diverse faiths that have various interpretations as to what is a sin. We as a craft should not condemn homosexuality since everyone has their own beliefs.. What the Grand Lodge of Georgia passed is wrong.
Brother Ed, I concur. I am a Christian, but I cannot impose my beliefs on those who differ, Christian or otherwise.
The only (known) Grand Master of Masons (NC) from my Lodge was MWB Berl Kahn, a practicing Jew. Should have he blackballed anyone who ate shrimp, bacon, or cheeseburgers?
To adapt The Dread Pirate Robert’s line to Count Rugen [“The Princess Bride”],
“…Intolerance does not suit us.”
Brethren, I refer to the assurances and obligations of the Initiate Elect and Ascending Candidates of the craft which by all means supercede the Laws and Constitution of any Grand Lodge. The assurances give 4 clauses to the obligations which are 1. Not contrary to you political opinion, 2. Not contrary to your religious belief, 3. Not at variance to the allegiance you owe to the ruler/sovereign of the state in which you reside and. 4. Not hurtful to you as a man of honour…
Not one Grand Mastet of any Grand Lodge can introduce rules, regulations, laws or changes to a GL constitution that in any violates these four clauses.
I ain’t mad at Georgia! !!!!!
Masonry helped build the greatest nation in the world, sin and immorality such as homosexuality is wrong, that’s why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, no good mason or good Christian should lower their standards to accept such immoral sin,it is totally against the brotherhood
I would reply to that noting that there are some Christian churches who accept homosexuality, who even have homosexual clergy. Freemasonry is not a Christian organization. The only requirement is that one have a belief in Deity. Now my Deity may believe in homosexuality and yours may not but you have no right to impose your personal sectarian religious beliefs on another Brother. Sectarain religion like partisan politics are things that divide us. It has been a long tradition that Freemasonry is non judgmental in these matters.
Grand Lodge made a good decision, I’m glad they stand for what is right
Are we to accept heterosexual Masons who commit adultery, but exclude gay petitioners who are in a committed monogamous relationship? After working 46 years in hospitals and medical offices with lots and lots of gays, I find this to be hypocracy!