The Grand Master of Florida’s decision number 3 can be found on the Grand Lodge of Florida website. The text of the document appears, as transcribed, below.
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of
Free and Accepted Masons of Florida
Jorge L. Aladro
Grand Master
Contact info omitted
November 28, 2012
The question has arisen if certain religious practices are compatible with Freemasonry, primarily Paganism, Wiccan and Odinism, and secondarily Agnosticism and Gnosticism.
Section 2. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida hereby recognizes, as being Landmarks of Freemasonry, the following:
(a) A belief in the existence of one ever living and true God.
(b) A belief in the immortality of the human soul and a resurrection thereof to a Future Life.
(c) The Volume of the Sacred Law, open upon the altar, is an indispensable furnishing of every regular Lodge while at labor.
Regulation 1.02 Masonic Law is a rule of fraternal conduct, and applies only to the moral and fraternal rectitude of its members. It is based upon the law of Divine Revelation, therefore, any covenant, affirmation, declaration, assumption, prescription, or requirement derogatory thereto, or in conflict therewith, is void. Hence the precept, “a Mason is bound by his tenure to obey the moral law.”………….
“A Mason is obliged, by his tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the art, he will never be a stupid Atheist, nor an irreligious libertine.”……….
Therefore, as Grand Master, it is my Ruling and Decision that none of the above mentioned beliefs and/or practices are compatible with Freemasonry since they do not believe or practice one or more of the prerequisites to be a candidate for Masonry listed above.
Further, any member of the Craft that professes to be a member of one of the groups mentioned above shall tender his resignation or suffer himself to a Trial Commission whose final outcome will be expulsion since there is no provision to allow anything contrary to the Ancient Landmarks.
Furthermore, Freemasonry prohibits the change of any of the Ancient Landmarks, and its members admit that it is not in power of any man, or body of men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry.
Your Humble Servant and Brother,
Jorge L. Aladro, Grand Master
”Be A Leader; Make It Happen”
This edict applies to a particular Brother. Full story to follow.
The original document from the website:
Or, you can download the original PDF document as published on the site.
I don’t think it is totally accurate to suggest that white masons are only objecting to Wiccans being persecuted, when Fred Milligan and I have both commented upon the injustice meted out to PHA masons both in posts and on our blogs. Fred, who as a white mason is a member of the PHA has posted repeatedly on the subject in the past, and most recently I posted on the subject at the link below: .
Frat. Eoghan
Whether it’s discouraging Prince Hall Masons from attending non-PHA lodges, making arrogant proclamations about what religions are to be considered valid, or anything of that nature, if it’s being done it equals Masons behaving in a non-Masonic manner. Mason is as Mason does, even if he’s the GM.
This is why Lodges and Masons need attorneys:
“The real reason that we can’t have the ten commandments in a courthouse:
You cannot post ‘Thou shalt not steal,’ ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery,’ and ‘Thou shalt not lie’ in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.”
— George Carlin
I think the Lodges need to rely on a less biased sense of morals and ethics and not the lawyers.
Why yes, GRAND lodges should, indeed, focus more on a less biased system of morals.
This proves that organized Freemasonry has been turned into something profane.
“TOLERATION, holding that every other man has the same right to *his* opinion and faith that *we* have to *ours*; LIBERALITY, holding that, as no human being can say with certainty…what is Truth, or that he is surely in possession thereof; so every one should feel that it is quite possible that another, equally honest and sincere with himself, and yet holding the contrary Opinion, may himself be in possession; and that whatever one firmly and conscientiously believes, is truth, *to him*; — these are the mortal enemies of Fanaticism which persecutes for opinion’s sake, and initiates crusades against whatever it deems, in its imaginary holiness, to be contrary to the law of God.”
Albert Pike – “What Masonry is and its Objects”