Sometimes lightening strikes twice – to the same spot. When it does you know that either God is in control or the fix is in. In the case of Gate City Lodge #2, Atlanta, Georgia it is definitely the latter.
You might remember the articles The Beehive published in 2009 – My Brother’s Keeper, Open Racism in Georgia Freemasonry and Georgia: Not Such A Peachy Masonic State describing the machinations that the Grand Lodge of Georgia went through to try to keep out a Black African-American. His name was Victor Marshall and he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Gate City Lodge #2, after which the Worshipful Master was brought up on charges – of “allowing a non-white man to join Freemasonry” – that were approved by the Grand Master.
Since no Black Man had been initiated in Georgia Freemasonry in 275 years, the charges were interpreted that “Ancient Lights” of the Grand Lodge of Georgia prohibited Black Men from becoming F & AM. The charges called for the Worshipful Master to be expelled and the Lodge to lose its Charter. Mortified by this blatantly evil and certainly illegal affront to the Lodge, and having had first-hand experience with “Masonic Justice”, David Johnston and David Llewellyn, members of Gate City Lodge No. 2 and attorneys, filed for an injunction in civil court against the Grand Lodge of Georgia. . Oooppps – The Grand Lodge never thought the public would find that out. When they did and the resulted outcry reached a clamor of disdain as the story spread throughout the nation, the plaintiffs in the case revoked their charges and the Grand Lodge of Georgia ultimately backed down deciding that was one battle they could not win.
They say by doing that one lives to fight another day. And that other day has arrived. Victor Marshall and Zeithlin Waters from Gate City Lodge #2, both Raised on the same night and having studied their catechisms together, submitted applications to the Atlanta Scottish Rite Body. Now the first thing that you have to understand about the story that will unfold here is that it is SOP to ballot on an entire class with one ballot for all. And so on November of 2010 the entire class of applications including Marshall and Waters was balloted upon. One or more black balls were cast on the first ballot. Then and only then was an individual ballot cast for each applicant one at a time. Marshall and Waters were the last two to be voted on and both were blackballed. All others were approved. No comments were made on the ballot and the two Brothers were informed that their applications were not approved and that it would be six months before they could reapply.
In March of 2011 a called Communication of the Scottish Rite Valley of Atlanta was held for the purpose of balloting on a new class. This class did not include Marshall & Waters for they were still waiting out their 6 months to reapply. As was the custom the entire class was balloted upon with one ballot. On the first ballot one or more black balls were cast. Each petition was then read individually and subsequently black balled. The whispered speculation was that Gate City Lodge members or sympathizers were striking back for the black balling of Marshall and Waters. The Personal Representative to the Grand Master rose to say how ashamed he was to be a Mason that night – thus commenting on a ballot which is actually unmasonic and a chargeable offense.
On April of 2011 at a stated meeting of the Scottish Rite Valley of Atlanta was held with business being among other things balloting on candidates once again. This vote was taken on a few new petitions as well as all of the candidates black balled in March. Again Marshall and Waters were not included. On the first ballot for the entire class one or more black balls were cast. The individual petitions were then read and balloted upon. Each petition was rejected (black balled).
The SGIG arose to speak castigating any who would use the ballot for retribution and declaring how ashamed he was of the way this process had worked out. He went on to say that whoever threw the cubes was suffering from a mental illness. He declared the ballot null and void and then took the unprecedented action of healing the ballot declaring all petitions granted. He also ordered the black balls expunged from the personal records of those who received them.
On October of 2011 a called Communication of The Scottish Rite Valley of Atlanta was held for the purpose of voting on petitions. For this called meeting a limited number of summonses had been sent out. Not everybody was called to this meeting. This was a new class of 30 with Marshall and Waters added. It had been almost a year since they had been black balled. They could not get into the spring class of 2011 as not quite six months had lapsed since they had been black balled. They had waited their 6 months and reapplied. Before the vote, the SGIG advised all called to vote their conscience. But this time around the voting would not operate in the usual manner. The entire class would not be balloted upon en masse as was the custom. Right from the start each candidate would be balloted upon individually, and Marshall and Waters were ballots number 29 and 30, the last two. In the hour and a half that ensued, twenty eight candidates were approved but the 29th and 30th, Marshall and Waters, were blackballed. Once again the SGIG rose to thank all who participated for voting their conscience. But he did not heal Marshall and Waters as he had done with the class of April 2011. He did not ask that the black balls be expunged from their Masonic records either.
This is where you can say the fix is in. The very actions of the leadership involved in this process leads to that conclusion. The SGIG and The Personal Representative to the Grand Master were only ashamed of any black balling when it did not involve Marshall and Waters. Comments were made by those in power after the balloting process in the 2nd and 3rd cases but not in the 1st and 4th when Marshall and Waters were being considered. The rules or the customary methods of procedure were changed at the leadership’s whim. The SGIG could heal an entire class but he couldn’t heal just two others. He could heal a whole class in one month not making them wait 6 months to be voted on again but he wouldn’t extend that privilege to Marshall and Waters. In both instances where candidates were voted on individually Marshall and Waters were always the last two to be balloted upon.
Of further note, the crowd at the ballot box swelled when Waters and Marshall’s petitions were being voted upon. Yet, during the two votes when entire classes were being cubed, there was an instance where a Grand Lodge of Georgia Officer stopped an entire line of voters from proceeding by refusing to move forward to cast his ballot. At one point, only three people, other than Scottish Rite Officers, were voting.
Georgia Mainstream Freemasons think they have won the second battle, round two. But they thought the same way in the first round before the publicity forced them to retreat. Here we are again fighting the same fight and calling upon all Masons nationwide to put pressure upon The Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction to act in a Masonic manner, put an end to such shenanigans and heal Marshall and Waters without further comment. If we did it once we can do it again. The ball is in your court, Brother.
I will not share my work here. Shame on those who do. No furniture, words, or rituals will I remember when asked
Big Bob, I agree with you. Passions on here should be kept within due bounds. I would like to think , as a good Mason, I am not considered “clandestine” by anyone on here. I believe myself to be as good a Mason as I can. If some other GL, or Mason, Chooses to not accept me simply because I am from Georgia I fail to see how that is any different than a Georgia Lodge failing to accept a man because of who or what he is externally. I see some hipocrisy in that mentality. I feel confident that in time, like other states, there will be change in Georgia. When? I have no idea. As it is today there are African American MS Masons in GA, and there will be more. I am not familiar with the debate you are all having about the 2009 issue and such, I am not sure what needs to change if there are Masons being raised and they sit in GL that are not White? Maybe someone on here can explain it to me. Seems to me that it has been proven that a “other than white” man can be, and there are, a Mason in GA. I will ask my guys in my lodge who are more familiar with this. I know it was a topic at our last meeting that if one wanted to be in the SR now he would take the chance of being cubed becasue of the issue. So why would I go there to try to join if I know I am going to get cubed becasue of a fight between some brothers who are using the ballot box as the weapon. ANyway. I hope it all resolves itself soon.
First of all there are no secrets of Freemasonry being discussed here. The only secrets our fraternity has is modes of recognition – the signs, grips and words of the degrees. The rest is open for discussion with the entire world. Those of you that would like to make Freemasonry a secret cabal or monastic society are violating your Grand Lodges. Grand Lodges today are placing advertisements on radio and TV and creating You Tube videos that show the inside of Lodge rooms and all its furniture. Let us not regress to the days of our great grandfathers where Masonry was never spoken about in civil society.
Secondly the question has been asked why would a Black man apply to Scottish Rite if he knew he was going to be black balled? Why did Black school children try to gain admittance to a public school in Little Rock, AR back in the 50s? Why did President Eisenhower send federal troops to open the doors to Black students? Why did Rosa Parks refuse to sit in the back of the bus? Are you saying, my Brother, that if a majority decides to persecute a minority that minority should back down? A Black man applies for admittance to Scottish Rite because that is his right, his Masonic right, his legal right and his moral right. To deny him is to deny the principles of Freemasonry.
As far as talking about other Brethren. It is only right and just to try to reverse injustice. Allowing injustice and/or evil to flourish without standing up in defense of what is right and legal is an offense to God and the Volume of Sacred Law that adorns our altars.
@New Ga Mason visit the thread titles My brother’s keeper: Open racism in georgia Free masonry. it will give you the back ground along with the documented charges….
Br. Austin, would you apply the same logic about “brother” Brevik, the Norwegian Mason who murdered dozens of people a few months back? If we do not police our own in the open and in the light then who will if their actions are kept in the dark? Because issue like this continue to happen there needs to be a broader dialog than a few behind closed doors, especially if you espouse the belief in brotherly love, relief, and truth.
I will look for those, thanks. I have seen no “open racism” in my time as a Mason in Georgia. So, maybe my lodge is the exception. If so, I am thankful for that.
I havent experienced any racism either, And I have ventured to states that some close minded folks call racist, such as AL, Miss, and SC, me being a GA PH mason, you would assume that there would be some sort of mistreatment according to the masses, but I was greeted in the most friendliest manner,
@ beehive
Im not suggesting you shouldn’t try to reverse injustice. But if that comes at the expense of a worth brother mason, then how are your action any different than those of the men you are trying to expose. I’ve read some of your stuff and you don’t strike me as the type who would accept a collateral damage to further your point.
@ beehive
Im not suggesting you shouldn’t try to reverse injustice. But if that comes at the expense of a worth brother mason, then how are your action any different than those of the men you are trying to expose. I’ve read some of your stuff and you don’t strike me as the type who would accept collateral damage just to further your point.
To New GA Mason,
I see that you say you have not seen any signs of “open racism” in Georgia. Don’t worry, you will.
Also, in case you have taken the time to look at the “My Brother’s Keeper” article, you’ve seen the proof in black and white. Sadly, the edicts and proposed legislation from that event were voted down at Grand Lodge. It’s amazing how all of these Georgia fellows who can’t put their heads together for a decision on the color of paper plates, all come up with the same reason as to why the legislation and edict was rejected. “We didn’t need it.” Yeah, okay.
In my honest opinion, I believe that State Rights Freemasonry is the problem in this case and that because of this, anti-racists positions can be a point false outrage. Think about it in this sense, those who belong to those overtly racist Mainstream Grand Lodges that are outraged about the openly racist attitude simply say “I quit”. When they quit, they could be viewed as heroes for taking a stand against racism. On the other hand, they may have done more harm than good. If they “quit”, that is one less MM that is anti-racist and the racists score a victory. Second thing, in my honest opinion, it is not wise within the racist Mainstream Lodge or GL to be identified as an “integrationist”. If you are identified as such, the chances of being elected to a position where you can make change will be in jeopardy. This nullifies the anti-racist as well. So again my question is what are you going to do. In my opinion, PHA is playing with house money, but is reluctant to bet big. If the PHA GLs in those Recognized Jurisdictions simply withdraw recognition of their mainstream counterparts and “demand” that they, in turn, remove recognition for all of the racist southern jurisdictions. If recognized PHA GLs do they would find out who are their friends, or better yet who are their enemies.
Again I say that I have not seen any of this in my lodge, and do not think I will. My lodge actually has , what most would consider, a “non white” Brother. He is a good Brother, which is what we expected him to be when we balloted on him entering the Craft.
I hope your preminition is incorrect for me thst I will see it. I do know that I see it everywhere else I go: At he store, at church, at schools, at the doctor’s office, etc etc etc. You see..bigotry is everywhere. I imagine I will see it in a lodge as well since I doubt it is escapable since it seems to be everywhere else.
I read the article and asked a few Brothers about the situation. In the article it seems that a few Brothers (not every WM of every lodge in GA) filed Masonic charges against the Wm of Gate City. My lodge filed no charges nor did any brother in my lodge. So how does this fact qualify all Masons in Georgia as being racist, how does this qualify all Masons in Georgia as being against these Brothers being raised to MM? While I am a “new Mason” I am not a young, uneducated man. I am college educated and fairly intelligent. ANyone can bring a charge, can they not?
It is pretty clear, being that the Brothers from Gate City attended Grand Lodge last week ARE Master Masons in Georgia, so if they are then how could there be a policy against it? They sat in Grand Lodge with the WM’s of every GL in the state, and were acknowledged as such when the room was tiled. All who are not Master Masons would have been asked to retire, would they not?
If they were to knock on the outer door of my lodge they would be tried like any other, and admitted if qualified. It seems they did this at GL. Their existance at the meeting should be proof that there is no policy against a Black man, or non white< being initaited , passed and raised in GA. My lodge is proof of that fact.
As for the code, I amnot sure about why it woulod have to clarify any race if it does not exclude any race. Why would it need to be rewritten to be inclusive when it is not exclusive.
Bigotry is everywhere, that is a sad but true fact of life. I no more look at the bigot in church and judge the whole church as such than you should look at the men who filed the charges and judge me as one of them simply becasue I live inthe same state. There are 45000 Master Masons in Georgia working under the jurisdiction of the GLOGA. Roughly , or to my knowledge, 44,800 of us never brought charges agains anyone in this matter, nor didi the GM himslef deny the Brothers from Gate City the Degree…in fact, he sat with them in lodge last week.
Sorry…the math and the broad accusation do not add up for me. If people want to be upset, be upset with the ones who filed the charges…I know plenty here are. Ask around! I have NO issue whatsoever with the Brothers from Gate City, nor does my lodge..our WM sat 20 feet from them last week. If he had an issue he would have walked out.
“Secondly the question has been asked why would a Black man apply to Scottish Rite if he knew he was going to be black balled? Why did Black school children try to gain admittance to a public school in Little Rock, AR back in the 50s? Why did President Eisenhower send federal troops to open the doors to Black students? Why did Rosa Parks refuse to sit in the back of the bus? Are you saying, my Brother, that if a majority decides to persecute a minority that minority should back down? A Black man applies for admittance to Scottish Rite because that is his right, his Masonic right, his legal right and his moral right. To deny him is to deny the principles of Freemasonry.”
I am asking that same question Bro Beehive! Why should I apply to the SR when I know I am going to get cubed, for nothing more than a retaliation from some Brothers whose Brother got cubed. Brothers I have no personal dealings with on top of that. They areall guilty of the same issue, and two wrongs do not, nor have they ever, made a right. It is the exact same thing. The men cubing entire classes now are doing so for no better reason than the men who cubed the Brother’s from Gate City. I wouldn’t petition SR right now for all the tea in China because I don’t think I will get through.
Time to take this to the mass media.
Mass media?
Original story:
A number of masons in Georgia are racists.
Media version:
All Georgia masons are racists and the rest of the masonic world let it happen.
Good idea…
New GA Mason,
By “Non White”, the writer of the charges obviously meant, black. There would need to be clarification of the issue since the charges were approved by the Grand Master. If that is too hard of a concept to grasp, then I am afraid you don’t get the issue. If the charges were a misguided leap or an over sight, say so. Barring that, the allowing of those charges to move forward then must raise the question. The question was then asked of the Grand Lodge who promptly voted it down.
To say clarification through legislation was not necessary when, at some point, it obviously was or else those charges would have never left the Grand Master’s desk except to go into the trash bin, is to be blind. Again, Georgia had a chance and blew it all to hell.
May you remain blissful in your naivety. I hear it’s better than Valium (but I wouldn’t know).
I used the term “non white”, and put it in quotes for a reason..that’s the term the writer used. I knew what he meant, and knew he meant Black. Here’s what I see: A Georgia lodge legally initiated, passed and raised Victor Marshall ( a black man). Victor Marshall is a Freemason and my Brother in Freemasonry. A WM from another lodge or two (of the 400+ mind you) filed charges. Victor Marshall is still a Freemason, as are a few other Blacks who have been regularly initiated, passed and Raised in Georgia. They have sat in our Grand Lodge with EVERY SINGLE WM in the state just last week.
I have ZERO issue with any of it, other than why another would bring charges using the code when nothing in the code says a black man can’t be a Freemason in GA.
Maybe I am naive..but I don’t see where Gate City did anything wrong becasue there is nothing in the code that states a black man can’t be raised. I have clarified that I am a new mason, I have said I am looking for answers, to be called names and insulted by you is , in my opinion, not vety masonic in nature. While I am a young Mason I am a grown man and have treated this issue with respect and posted as such and have been within my obligations to not be insulting towards another Brother in the least manner. Your smart ass last sentence and haughty reply is an insult to me, and shoud be an insult to a more senior Mason who is simply being asked a question by a new mason seeking light. It is the Masons like me who will bring the change to GA someday in menatality I hope, the Masons like Victor Marshall. I sincerely hope that someday when asked a question by a younger mason I am far more patient than you. You are an example to me allright, rest assured of that Brother. I was just explaning the situation as I see it here. It seems you are willing to hang all 45000 Masons in Georgia for the actions of two lodges. That, Brother, seems naive.
I ask theses following questions, and I ask them in all seriousness, not in a disrespectful manner. I ask them because I seek advice and light.
What would you suggest I do Frank?
Should I resign from Masonry, or stay in and hopefully be an agent for change someday?
Are you willing to prosecute me along with the others who are innocent in this?
What do you suggest Georgia Masons do?
Why has your GL not taken action against GA…is that not them condoning it? They still recognize us do they not?
What would YOU do if you were a GA Mason?
@ Frank Conners.
They definitely meant Black as there are Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Indian, Pakistani brothers that don’t have an issue. This was proven when everything kicked off at Solomon’s Lodge No. 1 in Savannah when he went. There was an Indian guy there significantly darker in complexion than Victor and he did not get questioned and as I recall he even wore the purple regalia of the GL of GA. I’ll have to verify that, but when Victor walked in (and I witnessed). The SD was immediately called to check his dues card and question him. Didn’t look like the SD wanted to, but it was a “special request.”
Was Victor tried simply because he was Black in Savannah, or was he tried and asked to show his dues card because no one knew him to be a Master Mason? If someone from GL showed up “in the purple” at our lodge I would imagine there would be someone in lodge familiar with him and vouch for his status as a MM, most of the guys in GL are pretty well known. I myself was questioned , tried, and had to present a dues card at a lodge where I was not known to be a MM. Again..asking for clarification, not “questioning” what happened. I am sincerely trying to understand all of this as it happened before I was a Mason.
He was the only one pulled aside publicly. Once it was verified that he a MM, people got up and left. There were lodges familiar with him and even Solomon’s Lodge was familiar. There were plenty of Brethren there that could have verified. It was by special request that his dues card be checked and that he be examined. Trust me, it was very obvious that he was called out. It wasn’t asked that he be met in the Anti Room, it was done publicly.
Some were also upset that a Black man got into the event when they didn’t have their paperwork nor their money paid, but thought it somewhat unfair. Even the Indian guy (dot) scoffed at him when he attempted to shake his hand. These comments I heard myself. Sides were chosen then and the harmony has only been a cover for what has been going on. Not to attack you or anything, but you can’t that new to not notice whats going on around you. There are plenty of Brethren in GA that don’t think this is a problem and “Its always been this way.” But there are plenty of us out here that are not going to stand for it anymore. Time for you to halt the naivety, do some research, and make the decisions for yourself. That’s part of being a Freemason.
“Not to attack you or anything, but you can’t that new to not notice whats going on around you. There are plenty of Brethren in GA that don’t think this is a problem and “Its always been this way.” But there are plenty of us out here that are not going to stand for it anymore. Time for you to halt the naivety, do some research, and make the decisions for yourself. That’s part of being a Freemason.”
I’ll be honest, why wouldn’t I anyway though. I do feel as if I am being attacked on here for nothing more than being from Georgia. I know there are plenty of people in Georgia who do not think bigotry is an issue. I think there are plenty of people in EVERY state that see no issue with bigotry, Georgia is not the lone I find it a little naive myself that people don’t acknowledge that fact as well. I am sure there are plenty of Brothers in GA who feel that no blacks should be allowed, but the fact is that just because they feel that way does not mean that it can’t and won’t happen. It didn’t stop Brother Victor Marshall from being initiated. There is nothing in my code book that states a black man could not be initiated into my lodge and if a black man were to petition my lodge I would vote on his petition the same as i have voted on every other petition that came into my lodge, on his merit as a man and nothing more.
I agree that the excuse “it has always been this way” is not valid. Again< I have not seen that attitude in my lodge. I do know it exists, and am not denying that it does. I do believe it will change though in time.
Despite your assertion, and maybe I am taking it wrong, I am not letting anyone make ANY decisions for me…how could they as my hand id the only one that reaches into my ballot box and my conscience is what guides that hand. No man votes for me, or guides my vote. So it's somewhat unfair for you to imply that wouldn't you say?
All of GA is not what we are being made out to be. I asked questions , I am seeking answers, I am guiding myself, this is research….while asking I am being criticised, name called and treated in what I believe to be not very brotherly. How is that any different than some bigots doing the same ot a black man. I have seen more hipocrisy from "brothers" in this thread than in my entire year as being a MM. It is sad and is making me want to leave the fraternity as a whole!
There are 45000 Master Masons in GA. I am one. I demand to be judge d as the ONE that I am. I have no voting rights in GL, I have but my vote in MY lodge, and I can assure you I will vote as I obligated myself to. I take my obligation VERY seriously and advise all in my lodge to do the same. Georgia will take time..ou cannot change the unwilling, and until they are passed on they will vote their conscience, right or wrong. I am responsible for no man's sins, no man's conscience. The GAOTU will not judge me for another man's conscience, so why would another Brother have the right to?
Peace Brother.
New GA Mason,
Are you reading the rest of the articles on this site? How about the Georgia statute that prohibited the raising of a non white? How about the fact that Georgia in Grand Session turned down an opportunity to pass anti disciminatory statutes?
What can you do? Speak up in your Lodge against discrimination. Go to Grand Session. Work and vote for anti discrimination resolutions. No one is personally blaming you. But Georgia as a Masonic body has decided it wants to continue to be anti Black African American. Let the leadership of your Grand Lodge know that you are not in favor of that.
“He was the only one pulled aside publicly. Once it was verified that he a MM, people got up and left. There were lodges familiar with him and even Solomon’s Lodge was familiar. There were plenty of Brethren there that could have verified. It was by special request that his dues card be checked and that he be examined. Trust me, it was very obvious that he was called out. It wasn’t asked that he be met in the Anti Room, it was done publicly.”
I had not heard of that. Were you there to see it? If so, why did you not leave for how they treated him? Why would you stay and sit with men who treated him that way? I have never seen an examination of a visiting brother done in public anywhere. When I have been examined for entering a lodge where I know no one it has always been in the preparation room actually. I have not visited many lodges outside of my rural area though. What can one do to not “stand for it anymore”? Resign from GA Freemasonry and then what…it never has a chance to change? Are you a Freemason in GA? What are the answers to the questions I posed earlier above?
I have read nothing in my code book that prohibits a black man from being raised. In fact, some have. Maybe I am confused, but if there is nothing that states that there is a thing to discriminate, how do I vote against it? If my code book stated that no black man can be raised in GA, I would vote against that…if I had a vote.
As for speaking up in MY lodge…trust me I am one of the most vocal people in my lodge. As you can see I have spoken a lot here in an uncomfortable setting, I am hard to shut up in my own lodge. This is not an issue in my lodge. Second to that, we have not had a black man petition my lodge so there has been no time to speak up. If he did, I would vote on him as any other candidate , as I stated.
Not being a PM, or sitting WM means have no say in Grand Lodge Session, you know that right? Maybe someday I will have a say and if that happens I will speak my mind on the subject. That is quite a long way away though. I do know where my WM stands though and I believe he is in alignment with my feelings.
I, again maybe confused or just don’t understand, but if black men are being raised in the lodges who fall under the jurisdiction of the GL of GA then I fail to see how we are 100% anti Black in GA, wouldn’t the GL yank the charter of any lodge who went against the code?
There is nothing in the code to ammend that I read, so what would you have it read? I could see your point if it said only white men can be raised under the GL of GA code, then it could be re written to say that you cannot exclude becasue of race. Bottom line is you are trying to legislate the man’s personal position, and no code can do that. If a man wants to cube a man…he will find a reason, won’t he? I am not sure how you do away with that? Once a man grabs the cube, for whatever reason, and drops it …it’s dropped. A committee recommends, even if favorably, one can still be cubed…shouldn’t be, but could and can be. How do you stop that? I’m confused. You are asking me to do thing that , at this stage in my masonic career, I have no ability to do. All I can do is vote in my lodge, and vote my heart. I have had conversations as to the “what if” a black man petitioned my lodge with my brothers and I have made it clear that I would vote on the man , not his color.
First of all, New Ga Mason, I hope that you are looking at a copy of the By-Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. An older copy would reveal that there was a statute that prohibited the raising of a non white man.
Secondly, there are no other Black African Americans in any Georgia Lodges. Victor Marshall is the only one. That’s the point. Do you think that if the Grand Lodge of Georgia was welcoming to Black African-Americans that they would only have one man of color in their entire Grand Lodge?
Lastly if there are abuses in the balloting process how about reforming the ballot process. For a thoughtful essay on the subject see:
Brother Frederic L. Milliken
“First of all, New Ga Mason, I hope that you are looking at a copy of the By-Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. An older copy would reveal that there was a statute that prohibited the raising of a non white man.
Secondly, there are no other Black African Americans in any Georgia Lodges. Victor Marshall is the only one. That’s the point. Do you think that if the Grand Lodge of Georgia was welcoming to Black African-Americans that they would only have one man of color in their entire Grand Lodge?”
WAS my brother, , is not IS. In the curent copy of the Code that I have there is nothing that states a black man cannot be Master Mason in Georgia. A lot of things in Georgia “WERE” or “WAS”. I can only comment on the case as it is today. Not the injustices of the past from when I was not even a Mason in GA. My code book, the one I joined under, the one that is current has nothing that states that a black man cannot be a Mason in Georgia, as evidenced by the fact that there is at least one black man who is my brother here in Georgia. I , personally, am welcoming to that Brother or any others deemed worthy by any Regular lodge in GA that are brought into our fraternity.
As to whether lodges may or may not be “welcoming” that , I agree may be a different story, and on a case by case (or in this case a lodge by lodge) basis. If ten years ago there was no lodge in favor of a black man being a Mason, and the By Laws did in fact read that no black man could be a Master Mason…and today there is even one lodge that is welcoming and the code allows for it than then that, my brother, is progress. Maybe not as fast as you or I wold like..but it is progress none the less.
If there is only one black mason in Georgia…then how were two turned down in Atlanta? Someone always has to be the first of anything. Bro. Marshall may well be the first , but I am sure he won’t be the last. I was under the understanding that there has been more than one African American Raised in GA. I could be wrong.
The list of racial injustice in America, not just in Georgia, is a long one. All we can do is try to change that for the future, we cannot change the past sir. Some regions that change comes along easier than others Brother. Some areas are not as adept to change even when that change is just, and right. I am simply going by the By Laws I obligated myself to, and those state that a black man can be a Master Mason in GA. So there has been change, apparently, if Bro Marshall sits in GA’s Grand Lodge Proceedings alongside the other Masons of GA. HE is a brave man, just like those who broke racial barriers in the South in the past. I welcome him as my brother. Again…my conscience is clear, and i refuse to be judged on the conscience of others I have no control over. If you give us a chance to change it it will, and is changing slowly. I can only speak to my time, and what I have done and can do with it. Bear with us please. Give us a chance to advance through the chairs, get a vote in GL, make some changes if they need to be made.
The world is full of ignorance, because of that…every occupation, every organization, everywhere that MAN dwell will have some who are ignorant, intolerant, unjust.
I just think it’s unfair to judge 4500 for the actions of a few. Just as it is unfair to judge all men by the color of their skin. Injustice is injustice.
As for the Ballot Box…I believe in both cases it was misused! I think it’s no better to cube a man for being black than it is to cube a man in retaliation for his vote. It seems to me, as I stated earlier, that a lot of good Masons have been harmed in their advancement because some “brothers” want to have their pissing contest in our ballot box. I REFUSE to look at entering the SR until I know I will be judged on who I am…and not because someone cubed Brother Marshall and they are going to cube me in retaliation for that to prove a point! I think Bro Marshall would agree with that injustice. All should have been allowed to more light if worthy, and not because they were black, or because there is a vendetta to retaliate. NONE of those actions are very masonic to me and I would consider them all a violation of one’s obligation…or at least the one I took.
Hopefully this will all end soon, and resolve itself….justly!
Way back when in the Georgia Code book banning non whites was 2009.
There was only one Black Master Mason at Atlanta not two.
I will read the code from 2009 then..I was not a Mason then.
New Georgia Mason,
Calm down. You should read everything you wrote and see why it seems like we’re attacking you. Just reread it and then take our prospective. You were given the information by several members here and for some reason, you just aren’t getting the point. You didn’t seem to read anything I said. I said I was there and I saw it. The SD publicly came to him and asked for his dues card. Questioned him “at low breath” and once satisfied left him alone. People got up and left – probably the people who made the request- when he was verified. What ever you want to call it, it was done publicly. Meaning, he was not going to leave so they left because they felt it was wrong to be there with him. No one else had this sort of reaction.
I actually sat right behind him and his lodge when this occurred. That’s why I noticed everything. I sat there on purpose. He didn’t get upset, just did what he had to do and went back to business. I know I said somewhere in my previous post that I was there.
Why would I leave? That would be the stupidest thing one could do. You stay in support. I wasn’t the one upset to be there, I was actually honored to be there. Surprised by the ones who left, sure. But it was a great event without them. You can’t do any changes from outside. So me resigning would not be a wise idea. I have a voice in my lodge and its called a ballot box. I vote with my heart and conscious, not by the color of someone’s skin. If we’re lucky enough to have someone of color come in and petition. I’m darn sure my lodge would let them in. Their thoughts have echoed my own. Once I have a bigger voice in Grand Lodge, that point will be made there also. I am a proud to be a Mason in GA and I will stand up for what’s right. I have visited many lodges outside of GA and seen some pretty “back wood” lodges who have black members. But for some reason GA is just different and some of the people are just malevolent. Down-right hateful.
All lodges in GA aren’t anti-Black, but its the ones that area anti-Black that are causing the problems. There’s lodges that are predominately Jewish. did you see that sort of problem? There are lodges that have Latino members, did you see that problem? There are lodges with Asians, did you see that problem? But only when Victor joined did it all-of-a-sudden become a problem. I’ve been in GA Masonry long enough to know that this was not an issue until he joined.
They are not allowing the Craft to grow and they are bringing whatever trouble they get down on themselves. There are apparently too many people walking around with no concept of Freemasonry calling themselves MM’s. My stand is here, with the letters written to the Grand Master and Grand Masters of other states, petitions written to the SGIG of other states. The GA one doesn’t seem to do anything but enable this behavior. I hope they sue again and this time not drop it. That where I stand. Resignation from the Blue Lodge would be akin being blind, deaf, and dumb. Did I answer your questions?
James T.
I think you have just repeated everything I have been saying from MY perspective. I think my questions are being viewed as rhetorical as opposed to actual. I agree 100% with your post above. I have read and re read this thread 100 times, so I see no difference in what you said and what I believe. I am asking a lot of Devil’s advocate questions for the answer, not to argue. How many times have I said I consider him my brother? How many times have I said I have no voice at GL, only in MY lodge. We agree!
@new mason——–take your time—masonic education takes time—–i have been a mason over 20 years—real mason not a card mason—-lectured—funerals–washed dishes–food—ect ect—been to 96 lodges in ark—lots of out of state lodges—there is not one bylaw that i have not seen broken—-so get it in your mind—-certain lodges–certain grand lodges—-bylaws meen nothen—when i lectured—-at the end i all ways said==go by your by laws and your lodge will run smoth as silk===i was expelled 2 years ago by the same men i lectured—4 cops–i mayer—polticks—-most u8nmasonic kangaroo court in the state of ark===lies told on me===man that was not even a member of lodge voted on me==ect ect====guess what===grand lodge==told them how to do it====my appeal to grand lodge===denied==my perpetual money===well they still draw intrest of me===so dont talk to much about by-laws==for one day if they decide to get rid of you==you will learn about by-laws=hope this dont damping your your masonic inlightment===i wish you nothen but the best
Sorry to hear that Ron. I am just asking questions to things that don’t make sense to me. That’s it. I have no plan to resihn from GA Freemasonry, I love being a Mason. I think it can, and will all be history one day. I love my lodge and have not seen all that is being talked about firsthand. Thats’ why I am asking questions.
Obviously, being and older or more experienced mason does not make you a better one. If that were true then we wouldnt be having this discussion as there wouldn’t be a problem in GA. Young masons in states like Ga and Fl WILL be the ones to bring about change; just as there was once young masons in the other jurisdiction who went on to do what “us youngins” are hoping to one day accomplish.
Well put BigBob, I agree.
I think you’ll see things change this weekend. I hear the ballot was healed by the SGIG, and Victor Marshall and the rest of the class will have the degrees conferred.
To the breathren of this list:
You know nothing of Georgia Masons. I wonder if you know any of the working tools. Yes some Jerks are bad, but true Masons and Masonry will prevail always. At least in my lodge and my valley. Both Breathren are to be 32nd’s by Saturday. I wish people, more especially Masons, would withhold judgement of a brother till the rule of law can work itself out.
“Secondly, there are no other Black African Americans in any Georgia Lodges. Victor Marshall is the only one. That’s the point.”
Make that two Brother !! 🙂
Just talked to one of the two wronged brothers. Apparently, their ballot was later also reversed, and they got the first half of their degrees last weekend. They are finishing this weekend. They reported that they were treated very well by the class and the Scottish Rite Masons they dealt with.
There is no cure more effective than sitting in lodge with brothers of all colors to cure ills of many years.
Much ado about nothing. The ritual tells us who can and cannot be a Mason. And, anyone that opposes that cannot be keeping his obligation, and therefore, not a Mason.
I am very familiar with the ritual, I am also VERY familiar with the obligation I took here in GA. I see fail to see where, in either of those, Victor Marshall failed to meet any of the qualifications it takes to be a Mason. So I agree…this is much ado about nothing. There was nothing in my obligation that would bar him from becoming a Mason in GA.
Maybe Bro.Fred Milliken will write an article now that shows we are making some progress here, that some of us in GA are not what he paints us all to be. It’s easy to call the game from the sidelines, try to legislate from another jurisdiction. Give us some time Bro Fred, things aren’t as easy as you seem to think them to be when it comes to change. Things will someday change though, and they are. I am glad The Brothers got their degrees.
I have been waiting for change for 30 years. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed in……….1964. This is 2011 almost 2012. In the 80s other Masons said – just wait the old guys will die off and the prejudices with them. In the 90s they said the same thing. In the year 2000 they said the same thing. In 2010 they said the same thing.
You are as Georgia Masons thought of as the majority leads you to be. Does that mean all Georgia Masons are the same? No. Nor are all the citizens of Iran in step with what the leadership of their country is doing. Yet the majority rules and makes you what you are.
Of course you could demit, join another Grand Lodge that does not discriminate and vote by walking with your feet…out. That is an option we all have.
Y’all in Georgia could recognize Prince Hall Masonry, but you aren’t going to do that either. And I’ll be dead and buried if you ask me to just hold on and wait for that.
“Of course you could demit, join another Grand Lodge that does not discriminate and vote by walking with your feet…out. That is an option we all have.”
Yes, that would be easy wouldn’t it. Just leave. OR..I could stay and try to make make a difference. That’sa little tougher though.
Here’s a thought, why not YOU demit from your Jurisdiction, come here to GA, and let’s see how fast YOU can change it! We are trying Bro Beehive, trust me. Like I said, it seems easier for you to sit on the sideline and criticize. WE are the one’s actually doing the work in GA to make the change, and it is. Sorry it isn’t coming as fast as you, in your jurisdiction, would like! Fill out a petition and come on then!!! I am staying right here in GA and am gonna keep working on it!
Well said My Brother>>>> Keep complaining or roll up you sleeves and go to work. Change some minds by introducing good black men to good white men then give them something to accomplish together.