This story comes from the Canadian news website National Post in a story that went onto its website today that reads: Islamist extremists view Freemasons as the enemy: report published March 31, 2011
In the story it reports that Canadian Intelligence in 2009 issued a brief on Freemasonry and Islamist Extremists, and it paints a pretty grim picture.
Because of the release of the Da Vinci Code book and National Treasure film some have come to see a “conspiracy against Islam.”
I’m sure this won’t come as much of a surprise, but the report says that Islamist extremists see the Masons as part of a Western crusade against Islam. More so that Freemasonry is seen as a direct threat to Islam.
Quoting from the story in the paper:
While most rational thinkers can tell fact from fiction, CSIS warns that we should not have such high expectations for the cave-dwelling sages at al-Qaeda HQ
“It is easy to dismiss belief in an all-powerful Freemasonry movement as akin to conspiracy theories prevalent on the Internet, fed by popular films and literature,” it [the report] says.
“It is important to underscore, however, that these theories are consistent with the Islamist extremist common narrative: in this light, the Freemasons are believed to be taking part in attacks against Islam.
Attached below are the pages of the report for your review, and a link to the original pdf at the bottom. One part of me wants to say that this is a hoax, an unfunny April fools joke, especially when you look at the unkept CSIS website and some of the gross errors in the report (what exactly was the Lost Symbol?), but whose to say for sure.
Or, view the originally posted document on Scribed
Gingerman says
What is perceived is often more important than what is. And far harder to refute. We hold tight to beliefes, no matter whether true or not. That is the nature of too much martyrdom.