The Coaches Coach by Dr. John S. Nagy from WEOFM
Br. John Nagy has been a friend of FmI for a while. You may remember his from his past appearances on the Masonic Central pod cast.
He is the author of the Building… series of books, and his blog Building Builders.
This video below comes from the World Wide Exemplification of Freemasonry, in which he speaks about the Masonic Paradigm which he says is different that what most might be familiar with that will enlighten the viewers Masonic endeavor – called Building Builder.
its a great intro into Masonic leadership from both sides of the learning curve: those being lead and those leading them. Its a great listen for quite literally Building Builders.
The Coaches Coach from WEOFM on Vimeo.
Many thanks to the Grand Lodge of Indiana for their work in the Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry.
Kenneth L. Miles says
I myself don’t care who is the coach as long as the teaching pays off, that my department Moving Forward.