On one bright, clear day, Diogenes was walking up and down the market place, holding a lighted lantern high in front of him and peering around as if searching for something. When people gaped and asked him what he was doing, he replied, “I am looking for an honest man.”
In our Masonic Lodges we use several symbols to guide us in our endeavors. These are all referred to as rays of light.
- The Great Lights; the Volume of the Sacred Law, the Square & Compasses;
- The Lesser Lights; the sun, the moon and the master of the lodge;
- Last but not the least, the All-seeing Eye.
These all represent the knowledge to be gained from following the designs of the GAOTU’s teachings laid out not only in the Volume of the Sacred Law, but surrounding us in Nature and Science.
We ultimately stand before our brothers in the degree’s and receive many lectures on what a Mason should be, how he should act and how to prepare for his final degree. We are told that
The distinguishing characteristics of every Free and Accepted Mason are Virtue, Honor and Mercy, and the tenets or fundamental principles of Ancient Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
It is a lot to absorb in such a short time and we can only hope we will figure it out as fast as possible. Most catch on fairly quickly but some are a little slower. So to help out, here are the “Principals for Good Guys” I found on Wiki. These don’t look like the Ancient Charges of Masonry but if you study them closely they make Masonic Sense.
Principles for Good Guys
- Ethical standards apply uniformly to all
- Assist those in need
- Defend those in trouble
- Pursue human rights for all
- Protect the environment
- Use force prudently
- Respect and honor diversity
- Listen to your heart
- Listen to people carefully before giving your opinion
- Fear not evil
- Improve global quality of life
- Be courteous to other souls
- Fear not to harm another in a just cause this is one of those risk things
We have a duty to our ourselves, our lodges and all our Brethren throughout world to understand and act honestly for the betterment of Masonry. We are our brothers keeper, and we must be vigilant for those who haven’t gotten the message. Most Worshipful Brother Herman M. Forrester, Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Kentucky in his May message brings this point sharply into focus.
One of the privileges of being Grand Master of Masons is the opportunity to travel and meet the most outstanding men in our great Commonwealth. These dedicated brethren live their daily lives living up to the lofty ideas and standards that Freemasonry teaches. I am so very proud to serve these men who devote their lives trying to be good Masons, husbands, Fathers, churchmen and citizens. How blessed I am to serve with the Grand Lodge Officers, elected and appointed who are so dedicated not only to Freemasonry but to the Craft of Kentucky. I treasure and revere the great Freemasons of Kentucky.
I cannot thank these brothers enough for being what they profess to be, men of Honor and integrity.
We as Grand Lodge Officers should be shouting their praises from the highest mountain tops. Unfortunately there is always a small segment of any membership who will not conform to the principles of our beloved brotherhood. They disrupt their lodges with picks and quarrels, they will not conform to the Constitution, their conduct outside the lodge is un-Masonic, such behavior includes Spouse/Child Abuse, Alcoholism, Drug/Substance Abuse, just to name a few of these offenses that have come to our attention.
These so-called Masons must be removed from the Craft and should have NEVER been permitted to be a part of our Great Fraternity. The World is watching us and will judge a tree by the fruit that it bears! It is time for each Lodge to do their duty to the utmost, investigate the men who knock at their doors, with the most thorough scrutiny, and vote for the good of the order, and confer impressive meaningful ritual that will touch the hearts of good men. Brothers, we can’t change yesterday but together we can have an impact on tomorrow. Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.
Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Kentucky
It’s a pretty tall order but we must try and excel in all things good and great. So the next time you find a man in cynic’s robes holding a lantern up to you and says “I am looking for an honest man”, how will you answer, better yet can you don those robes and hold up that lantern yourself?
Read Teachings of Diogenes-Lesson 1 Emptiness
Read Teachings of Diogenes-Lesson 3 Light of Teaching

Wor.Bro. Ian M. Donald
A man is not measured by how tall he stands,
But by how often he bends to help, comfort and teach!
Diogenes (c. 412- c. 323 B.C ) was a very playful philosopher who liked to use great wit when challenging the values and beliefs of his fellow citizens in ancient Athens. He lived in great poverty, probably begging and stealing his food, and steadfastly disdained all forms of luxury. It was because of his determination to follow his own dictates and not adhere to the conventions of society that he was given the epithet “dog,” from which the name cynic” is derived. i
i From the web site of David Quinn
[…] Lesson 2 – Honesty Lesson 3 – Light of Teaching […]