Milestones have a way of coming and going unless they are earmarked by a party or celebration of some sort. Depending on what the milestone is, some are celebrated with cakes as you would on a birthday, some with parades as with the Lakers here in Los Angeles for their latest victory in the NBA finals. Some milestones, however, are merely the mark stones that they were intended to be, the noted passage of a place in time, usually only noted by those who find some importance to it.
So, I wanted to just take a moment and leave a mark in our digital record book the passing of our milestone here at FmI. That milestone is the one year anniversary of the Masonic Central pod cast.
I have to admit, in my own minds eye it was a difficult stretch to think that Dean and I would be doing this in a year’s time. Not for a lack of having something to say (trust me Dean and I like to talk) but that we would be able to plumb the depth of the Masonic universe to find interesting, topical, and relevant things to bring to our listeners. About half way into the series, I soon realized that our possibilities were endless.
For those data heads out there, to date Masonic Central has had well over 20,000 downloads over the two (Talkshoe and now Blog Talk Radio) systems that we’ve published through, with 41 shows to date. When you do that math, it boils out to almost 500 listens to each program. Not a blockbuster by main stream media standards, but what it tells me is that hundreds of brothers have listened to the program and found some measure of value in it. So in effect, the show is doing exactly what we intended it to do.
Lastly, as we cross this mile marker, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to listen to our little show and for those that keep coming back week after week to hang out in our parking lot chats after the show to get into the real discussions. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to the show (you guys know who you are), and those that have felt compelled enough to support us with your purchases through our site. And, lastly, I wanted to say thanks to Dean for his diligence and dedication even with his growing family.
And, if your reading this and wondering what you’ve missed, I highly recommend you check out our Masonic Central page and click through to our past programs and put them on your mp3 player for some fun summer listening. Or, if you’re an IPod user, look us up on ITunes and download the programs. All of them are free and sure to entertain.
So, happy anniversary Masonic Central, what a wild ride it’s been. Onward to year two.
Travel Light
Shane Stevens says
As a listener, I want to thank you for a great year of Masonic information. Keep up the great work, and keep it coming.
Joseph James says
Never before has Masonry needed a voice like it does in this day and age. You have stepped up to the plate and helped clear up false information in a practical and rational manner. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the facts and truth about Masonic history and the modern day application of our organization.
Joseph James
Raum Sariel says
Good stuff, now cross the bridge and get a female Mason as a guest.
Love and Light,
Justa says
You guys have had an amazing array of topics and guests; certainly more than any Masonic Lodge could possibly have in its educational portion at meetings. I hope listeners come away inspired and stimulated to go back to their own Lodges and discuss some of these things with their brethren.
BeeHive says
Karen Kidd on the way!
Vitruvius says
Excellent, and just a plug for another guest I would *love* to see — Lon Milo Duquette! He is a freemason, amongst other affiliations. Prepare your research and questions aright, and you’ve got one hell of a show I’d wager.
Further, I’ll go out on a limb — if you ever do get him lined up, I’ll volunteer to help out with the interview (with selected killer questions guaranteed to entertain and amaze 😉
I double dare ya 🙂
Be seeing you,
Tom Accuosti says
All this and you’ve had a podcast, too?
I really must listen to one sometime.
(kudos and best wishes for another good year.)