Two weeks ago Pride of Mt. Pisgah #135 Prince Hall Texas had its election and installation of new officers. For those who think that all Lodges operate always holding to a line of succession, I have news for you. Pride of Mt. Pisgah does not always. The last chnage in line two years ago saw the Junior Warden elected to Master and the Senior Warden staying as Senior Warden. This year the Senior Warden was elected Master and the Tresurer was elected Senior Warden. The Junior Warden stepped down and the Tyler was elected the new Junior Warden. Whatever works best for the Lodge is what we do. Every election is different and there are no automatics for Pride of Mt. Pisgah.
We are a young Lodge. We have some old timers but they generally don’t come anymore. So the Lodge room is filled with mostly 20 and 30 year olds. There are a few of us, like me, that could be any of these cats father. And we are growing keeping the same age bracket. We raise from 3 to 9 candidates per year and about half of those remain very active.
2009 is our come out year. We will be buying ourselves a Masonic building after renting for some time. Our community focus will be on the improvemnt, education and mentoring of individual people outside of Masonry. We will gather for casual Masonry strengthening the bonds of the mystic tie. Teaching, education and mentoring will continue to make our Lodge one of the most knowledgable Lodges in the state of Texas.
Awhile back a fork confronted me in the middle of the road. Left or right, the choice was mine. My choice led me here, to family and I am proud to be a member of Pride of Mt. Pisgah and fortunate that this time I made the best choice that could have been made.
Hi Fred…I saw your video “Prince Hall Dallas – Pride Of Mt. Pisgah #135” and I’m interested in learning more about your lodge. Can you please provide contact information. Thank you
Pride of Mt. Pisgah No 135
PO Box 22611
Dallas, TX 75222